Metal Gear Saga : The Unofficial Facts Site


Hideo Kojma Games


Snatcher Secret Messages (Mega CD)
For several hidden messages from the programmers, select the Use Metal Gear option while playing, then choose Videophone and dial one of the numbers below.

Jeremy Blaustein: 41-6766
Taeko Hayasaka: 34-5678
Hideo Inamura: 44-3723
Satoshi Kushibuchi: 33-3333
Keizo Nakamura: 84-6736
Moai Sasaki: 79-6641
Mitsuhiro Togo: 44-6454

Extra options (PSX)
Go to the option menu, highlight "Exit" and press Start. Then, press UpUpDownDownLeftRightLeftRight

Saga-MediaTerms Metal Gear Saga : TUFS Saga-Media