Metal Gear Saga : The Unofficial Facts Site


Metal Gear Saga

Metal Gear Solid 2 : Sons of Liberty

Completion Bonuses
Extra Options: Start game make a save then reset now you can chose any difficulty including Euro Extreme and choose what part to play through
Boss Battle: Complete the game once, it consists of every boss in a Series
CG Sequences: Complete the game once you can play 7 CG events and choose the characters that play!
Say Cheese: Complete the game once to earn the Digital Camera
Nice Shades: Complete the game once and every even competition the main characters have Shades!
Silencer USP: Complete the game once and find the silencer in the crow’s nests
Oops! Sorry Sir: On every even completion the marines in Hold 3 all just wear pants!

Dog Tags
Almost every guard in every difficulty level bears a set of dog tags.
Hold up the guard from behind using any gun.
Drag the guard to a better place if needed.
Point the gun at the Head or Groin and the guard should relieve his Tags.
If not select the live gun and shoot above head (Need silencer here)
Select the M9 and knock the guard out.
NOTE: Some Marines have tags to!
The prize for collecting these tags is as follows:


Bandana: 46 Tags (2 Difficulties)
Stealth Suit: 78 Tags (3 Difficulties)


Infinite Wig: 73 Tags (2 Difficulties)
Stealth Suit: 121 Tags (3 Difficulties)
Grip Wig: 170 Tags (4 Difficulties)
O2 Wig: 218 Tags (5 Difficulties)
Note: Collecting the Tags from Very Easy to Extreme will make the harder difficulties a lot easier to complete

MGS game secrets
Book of Secrets: Get to read Book 3 in the Special section called
“The Untold Truth of Shadow Moses”
This book details the entire events of the Shadow Moses incident through the eyes of Natasha Romanenko with Richard Ames! The book shows the true version of the game and what happened to every survivor after the game, including Naomi!

In game secrets

Drop it!: Drop a guard into the river and a pic will show this in the Shell 2 core flooded area
Honeys: Hidden around are pictures inside lockers and on hidden walls, these can be used to distract guards and if knocked in a certain place you alert the guards!
Raven!: In the entrance to the tanker room is a small Raven model which when hit starts firing pellets!
Pipe Trouble: In hold corridor 1, hide in the side area (3) as soon as you see the guard, hug the right wall and keep looking round the corner, a pipe will fall and the guard will get suspicious until another guard bumps into him.
I’m Not Ready!: In Hold 1 is a Marine still wearing just his boxers!
Nice Show!: In Hold 2 keep pressing the projector button to cause 2 films of Girls to show, but you get found lol.
What!: Access Hold 3 via the ducts and see Ocelot standing next to the left leg of Ray
Destructible: The following are destroyable:
Locker Doors
Lamp Bulbs (Decks and Hold Corridors)
Rest Area (Magazines, Drinks bar and Glass)
Ration Room (Food, Flour Bags and Bottles)
Kitchen (Items on Tables, Plates and Pans move)


IR Goggles: Dive back into water to find the goggles in the bottom right
Shaving: VH & Ex only. Go into the fenced off area in the deep sea area and collect the shaver, give this to Plisken and later Solid Snake will be clean shaven
Honey’s: Found in Every Strut these pics also now include New York, the Empire State and some Konami Eyes Girls
Cardboard Express: Find the boxes on Struts A, E (x2), F and Core 1 and get on the Delivery machine in strut E and travel quickly to different locations where boxes feature (Struts A, C, E (x2), F)
Send them flying!: Stun guards on the helipad and place them facing the drop, wake them up and watch with glee as they commit suicide!
Hell Raiser!: Shoot loads of M9 darts into Fatman to get this man looking like Hell Raiser
Knock Knock: Knock on the top and left walls of Core 2 to pee off the President! Also do this to terrify Emma in the locker

Nutted!: Hold up a guard, carefully punch at the groin and watch with glee as he collapses to the floor
Cruel Intentions: Hold up a guard use a handgun and shoot both hands and a leg. Watch as he bleeds to death and falls to the floor. If he runs it’s so funny!
Don’t shot both legs as its instant death!
No Choice: Use any rocket weapon and the guard will wet his pants and relieve his tags
Dazed state: Try and shoot the ! Or ? And the guard will become dazed, allowing you chance to escape
For!: Use the Nikita and hold up a guard, when he shakes swing the launcher and he’s out like a light!

Mic Fun
Use the mic in the following places
Johnny’s back!
Core 1: In the hostage room while Ocelot talks to Solidus point to the Toilets on the left
Oil Fence: Point mic at second pipe while Emma’s behind to hear him talk to her
Emma’s Fear
Oil Fence: She will keep questioning what she’s doing here!
Oil Fence: She will comment on Raiden's Hair behind the first pipe (Codec her!)
Pliskin's Fancy
Oil Fence: He will comment on Emma and if he can ask her out!

Easter Island Heads
Found in the following Locations:
Strut D (hidden in Girders)
Strut E (require ZOE box and look behind boxes)
Core 1 (hidden under computers in bottom left)
Strut L (hidden in bottom left, look through first window)
Core 2 (hiden in ducts in left grate of the 3-way section. Stand on box 1)
Core 2 (hidden in collapsed water room under the second air pocket)
Core 2 (hidden in locker next to Emma (EXTREME ONLY!))

Picture Fun
Use the camera to take certain pictures to get different reactions from Otacon and he can get annoyed if you repeat too much!

Codec Moments
On the Deck keep contacting to hear eventually about “The Patriots”!
Looking at the screen of Ray in the lobby
Faced with Raven, Otacon has some comments (before you see it’s a toy!)
Keep saving and the analogies will get more and more extreme until Mei Ling comments

Roy Campbell
In Strut C look down at a loo and Codec.
Shoot gulls and you will get contacted also Rose will not allow you to save without an apology.
While in Arsenal, listen to Campbell’s bizarre comments, some are actually quite interesting.

Contacting Rose often you will find she talks a lot about April 13th and how they met.
Peer at Emma through an air vent and Rose will complain.

Pliskin is quite the expert on a few things:
Weapons (appoint a new weapon and contact him)
DeadCell (Olga, Fortune after seeing them and Vamp before the President dies in Shell 2 Core)
While Pliskin sleeps keep contacting him to get various responses “Liquid”!
Long winded this one after meeting Peter, rush to the CD bridge and shoot the box, after defeating Fatman select Box 1 and codec, he will comment on using a box and Raiden shooting his!
After the President dies in Shell Core 2, keep contacting to get some of the funniest comments you’ll ever hear!
While on the Oil Fence shoot Pliskin and then quickly codec, he has quite a few words to say! Before shooting you.

Knock out Emma and she will start mumbling the comments made by her parrot.
Shoot Emma and she will complain to Raiden
On the Oil Fence contact her after listening in on her comments behind Pipe 1

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