General News
28/02/2008: ZOE3 to be officially accounced in the next few months!
With all the termoial of waiting to hear if their will ever be a third instalment word has reached me from a Konami Representative at Destination Playstation was quoted as saying
"Yes... Yes it is. Konami has a lot more than that on the way for Sony too. Suikoden 6 and another "suspect" game is in the pipe line too. Konami doesn't know how to time Z.O.E. 3's announcement without taking away from MGS4 but it is 100% guaranteed to be at the next Sony gamers day event/expo in some form or another."
So expect a proper announcement in the next few months. Finally...
29/09/2006: Sequal Finally Confirmed
In this months PSM3 Magazine (#80 UK) The writters have confirmed FINALLY that a sequal is in the pipeline, tho no sub name or story is yet to be revealed it will either cover the final removal of Barham or like Metal Gear Solid 3 look at the early years of the Orbital Frame with a new incarnation of the original Idolo model.
"News just in ZOE is back on PS3. Hideo Kojima's mad anime robot beat-'em-up has been laying low since The 2nd Runner appeared on PS2 in 2003, but Jehuty and co are back bigstyle. Koj will spill all next issue but for now we predict online mech battles on a massive scale, more mind-bending visuals and a plot so hard to comprehend and rife with twists, it makes Lost look like eastenders."
25/07/2006: "I have Plans"
In an interview for CVG, Kojima confirmed that he is currently working on story ideas for Zone of the Enders 3. Appart from this statement nothing about timescales or the start of production was made.
28/02/2006: Zone of the Enders 3 is comming!
Kojima is planning to produce Zone of the Enders 3 but, with all the Metal Gear titles in the work staff are sadly unavailable, but with Metal Gear Ac!d² & Subsistence finally released Kojima now has the space and team to produce it. The only big question now is will we see it at E3 2006?
18/12/2005: Zone of the Enders 3 Latest
In an interview with Kojima by 1up, Kojima is quoted as saying:
"Actually I would like to create something with ZOE again, but currently we can't do so because we don't have that much human power that we could put into ZOE now. However, one day I would like to work on ZOE again."
This to me means that after Metal Gear Solid 4 is finished Zone of the Enders 3 is likely to go into development so look forward to 2007...
01/06/2005: Zone of the Enders 3?
Kojima is quoted as saying that if people wanted their to be a Zone of the Enders 3 then he would consider making it...