Metal Gear Saga : The Unofficial Facts Site

The Team

Kojima Productions - Yoji Shinkawa

Yoji Shinkawa

Regarded by many as one of the greatest game artists in the world, even his art books are used in DEGREE courses!!
Yoji Shinkawa joined Kojima's team way back in 1994 assisting with the Making of version to Policenauts called "Private Collection". Since then he has Helped Kojima on all the episodes of Metal Gear Solid (1-4) as well as Ghost Babel, Twin Snakes and my other love the Zone of the Enders series.
Of late Yoji has assisted in 2 other productions not realted to Kojima: Shinsengumi a samurai battle game & creating the battleship for the new Godzilla film.
Using a unique brush style with a pen, the background usually features a black squared design, to improve and colour his work with a Macintosh. Using the Paintshop and Paint programs.

Saga-MediaTerms Metal Gear Saga : TUFS Saga-Media