Games In Development
27/06/2008: Database Released! UPDATED
Available on the Japanese PSN store and later today the UK & US, is a 77MB database program which contains as you would probably guess a HUGE amount of information on the Metal Gear Saga.
Available in Japanese, English, French, Dutch, Italian & Spanish, it also has a novel check feature which blocks all MGS4 information until you have a registered completion save on your PS3 of the same region.
Naturally I'll be going into detail with this facility and will be updating the website as a result...
Update #1 The European version requires 11 languages so the application will be made availble in a week of so...
Update #2 The Application is now available, but in the UK at least it still just has the 6 languages, also even if you reach 100% viewed their are no additional bonuses sadly....