Metal Gear Saga : The Unofficial Facts Site


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Misions Briefing

Campbell : It's been a long time Snake.

Snake : I should've known you were behind this, Colonel.

Campbell : That's no way to greet an old war buddy Snake.

Snake : What do you want from me?

Campbell : I just invited you here so we could have a talk.

Snake : Invited!? That's what you call sending armed soldiers after me?

Campbell : Sorry if they were a little rough with you. But we've got a serious situation here. Only you can get us out of it.

Snake : I'm retired from FOX-HOUND. You're not my commander anymore, and I don't have to take orders from you or anyone else.

Campbell : You will take these orders. I know it.

Naomi : Excuse me.

Snake : Who's this?

Campbell : Dr. Naomi Hunter. She's chief of FOX-HOUND's medical staff and an expert in gene therapy.

Snake : Are you military?

Naomi : No, civilian. I've been sent here from ATGC. Pleasure to meet you

Naomi : Don't worry this injection won't hurt a bit.

Snake : What's the shot for?

Naomi : What's wrong? You don't like shots?

Campbell : Snake listen up. It all went down five hours ago. Heavily armed soliders occupied Shadow Moses Island, a remote island off the coast of Alaska.

Snake : What soldiers?

Campbell : Next-Generation Special Forces led by members of unit FOX-HOUND. They've presented Washington with a single demand, and they say that if it isn't met, they'll launch a nuclear weapon.

Snake : A nuclear weapon?

Campbell : I'm afraid so. You see, the island is the site of a secret nuclear weapons disposal facility.

Snake : FOX-HOUND hijacking a nuclear weapon?

Campbell : Now you understand how serious the situation is. You'll have two mission objectives. First, you're to rescue the DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) Chief, Donald Anderson, and the president of ArmsTech, Kenneth Baker. They're both being held as hostages.

Snake : Those are some heavy duty hostages.

Campbell : Secondly, you're to investigate whether or not the terrorists have the ability to launch a nuclear strike, and stop them if they do. Any questions, Snake?

Snake : Questions? I haven't even said whether I'd accept this mission.

Campbell : Well you can make up your mind after you hear more about the situation.

Snake : Tell me about the nuclear weapons disposal facility.

Campbell : The disposal facility includes a hardened underground base. Even with our most advanced intelligence gathering equipment, we can't tell what's happening inside.

Snake : So someone needs to penetrate, gather intelligence, and report back... Sounds like a spy movie. What's the insertion method?

Campbell : Well an air insertion is impossible.

Snake : Not with this storm going on.

Campbell : We'll approach the disposal facility by sub.

Snake : Approach?

Campbell : Yes, within a few miles of it. The facility is equipped with sonar detection capability. They'd be able to hear our engine or propeller noise.

Snake : And then?

Campbell : We'll launch a one-man SDV (swimmer delivery vehicle).

Snake : Launch?

Campbell : Same as a torpedo. Only this has no propulsion device of its own. After the SDV gets as close as it can, dispose of it. From there on you'll have to swim.

Snake : You want me to swim in sub-zero Alaskan water?

Campbell : Don't worry. That suit represents the latest advances in poly-thermal technology. The nuclear weapons disposal facility covers the whole island. I'll contact you by Codec after you reach your target.

Snake : Anyone going with me?

Campbell : As usual, this is a one-man inflitration mission.

Snake : Weapons and equipment OSP (on-site procurement)?

Campbell : Yes. This a top-secret black op. Don't expect any official support.

Snake : The Chief of DARPA and the president of an arms manufacturing company... what business did they have at a nuclear weapons disposal facility?

Campbell : The truth is that secret exercises were being conducted at the time the terrorist group attacked.

Snake : Must be extremely important exercises if those two were directly involved. Were they testing some kind of new advanced weapon?

Campbell : I'm not privy to that information.

Snake : Do we know exactly where they're being held?

Naomi : The DARPA chief has also been injected with a mini-transmitter. As you get closer you should be able to pick up his location on your radar.

Snake : Do they really have the ability to launch a nuclear missile?

Campbell : They say they do. They even gave us the serial number of the warhead they plan to use.

Snake : Was the number confirmed?

Campbell : I'm afraid so. At the very least, they've got their hands on a real nuclear warhead.

Snake : Isn't there some kind of safety device to prevent this kind of terrorism?

Campbell : Yes. Every missile and warhead in our arsenal is equipped with a PAL, which uses a discreet detonation code.

Snake : PAL?

Campbell : Permissive Action Link. A safety control system built into all nuclear weapons systems. But even so, we can't rest easy.

Snake : Why not?

Campbell : Because the DARPA Chief knows the detonation code.

Snake : But even if they have a nuclear warhead, it must've been removed from its missile. All the missiles on these disposal sites are supposed to be dismantled. It's not that easy to get your hands on an ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missle).

Campbell : That used to be true, but since the end of the Cold War you can get anything if you have enough money and the right connections.

Snake : So what exactly are they demanding?

Campbell : A person's remains.

Snake : Remains?

Campbell : That's right. To be more accurate, cell specimens which contain the individual's genomic information.

Snake : Cell specimens? Why would they want that?

Campbell : The terrorists need them. You see these Next-Generation Special Forces have been strengthened through gene therapy.

Snake : Strengthened?

Campbell : You've heard of the Human Genome Project. They've been mapping the human genome, and they're nearly finished. Following up on this research, the military has been working towards identifiying those genes which are responsible for making effective soldiers.

Snake : There are genes that do that?

Campbell : Yes, and using gene therapy they're able to transplant those genes into regular soldiers.

Snake : Gene therapy?

Naomi : I'll explain this part. With gene therapy, we can remove those genes which we know may lead to sickness or disease, and that the same time, splice in genes with beneficial effects such as resistance to cancer for example.

Campbell : In other words, we can overcome all sorts of genetic diseases and at the same time add genetic characteristics as desired.

Snake : Okay, and so if you knew what genes were responsible for making the perfect soldier, you could implant them in the same way, right?

Naomi : Yes we could.

Campbell : But it all depends on being able to isolate and identify those "soldier genes".

Naomi : And in order to do that, it's helpful to study the genomic information of one of the greatest soldiers ever.

Snake : One of the greatest soldiers ever?

Naomi : The man they call the greatest warrior of the twentieth century.

Snake : You don't mean Big Boss?!

Naomi : That's right. We've been working feverishly to identify the genes responsible for his incredible combat skill. So far we've discovered about sixty of the so-called "soldier genes."

Snake : So his body was recovered after all.

Campbell : Yes, and his cells have remained frozen in cryo-chamber. His genomic information is a priceless treasure to mankind.

Snake : Priceless to the military perhaps.

Naomi : His body was burned severely, but it was possible to restore his DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) profile from just a single strand of his hair.

Snake : You people are amazing. And then you're going to transplant those genes into soldiers?

Naomi : Yes. We'll use a process that I discovered called gene targeting. The strongest soldiers don't become what they are by acquiring their skills through training or experience, we now know that hereditary factors are far more crucial for creating superior soldiers.

Campbell : Snake, we can't give them his body. It's potentially more dangerous than all the warheads on that island put together.

Naomi : I hear the terrorists are calling themselves the "Sons of Big Boss."

Snake : The Sons of Big Boss.

Snake : What's the time limit?

Campbell : 24 hours. They say they'll launch after 24 hours.

Snake : Did they say what the target will be?

Campbell : So far they haven't mentioned a target.

Snake : When did the countdown start?

Campbell : 5 hours ago.

Snake : Colonel, who are you speaking for?

Campbell : Naturally, I'm representing the US government.

Snake : So who's in supervisory control of this operation?

Campbell : The President of the United States.

Snake : Which means that the President must be meeting with his top aides in the map room about now, huh?

Campbell : No at this point they're still video conferencing with each other.

Snake : If that's a real nuclear warhead, shouldn't they issue a COG (Continuity of Government)?

Campbell : Not yet. The Secretary of Defense has operational control and is fully aware of the situation. After you infiltrate, if you determine they possess nuclear launch capabilities a COG will be issued.

Snake : Well if they haven't relocated to nuclear shelter under Mount Washingtion, I suppose there isn't that much reason to worry yet. Is the National Security Agency in on this?

Campbell : Yes. So is the DIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency.

Snake : The DIA? I'm starting to get a bad feeling about this.

Campbell : They'll be sending us some support.

Snake : We don't need desk jockies. We need a nuclear weapons specialist.

Campbell : Of course. A nuclear weapons specialist has already been assigned to us.

Snake : We need backup from a specialist. I'm just an amateur when it comes to nuclear weapons.

Campbell : I know. That's why I've requested the assistance of a military analyst named Nastasha Romanenko. She'll be providing you backup by Codec.

Snake : A female analyst?

Campbell : She's built up an impressive record as an advisor to the Nuclear Emergency Search Team. Contact her if you have any questions. She's also an expert on hi-tech weapons.

Snake : Where's she working from?

Campbell : At her home in Los Angeles.

Snake : California. Seems like a million miles away.

Snake : How well-armed are these terrorists? I know there was an exercise going on at the time they revolted.

Campbell : They're heavily armed I'm afraid.

Snake : What about they're battle experience.

Campbell : The six members of FOX-HOUND in charge are all hardened veterans. They're tough enough to eat nails and ask for seconds.

Snake : I wouldn't expect anything less from FOX-HOUND.

Campbell : The others are Next-Generation Special Forces. They're not your average grunts either.

Snake : Tell me about these Next-Generation Special Forces.

Campbell : They started out as an anti-terrorist special-ops unit made up of members from former biochem units, technical escort units, and the Nuclear Emergency Search Team. Their purpose was to respond to threats involving next-generation weapons of mass destruction, including NBC (nuclear/biological/chemical) weapons.

Naomi : Until "they" were added that is.

Snake : Who's "they"?

Campbell : These guys didn't start out as regular army.

Snake : Looks like a pretty international group. Mercenaries?

Campbell : Yeah. And it gets worse. Most of them were from a merc agency that I think you're familiar with. They were part of Big Boss' private guard. And after Big Boss went down, the military just bought out all their contracts.

Snake : Outer Heaven.

Campbell : After that they were merged with our own VR unit, Force 21, and re-trained. If you ask me, these so-called "Next-Generation Special Forces" should to be called "simulated soldiers." They have no real battle experience.

Snake : Video game players, huh?

Naomi : Don't forget they've all been strengthened with gene therapy. They carry genes which make them excellent soldiers. Don't get careless just because they don't have much experience.

Snake : I thought using genetically modified soldiers was prohibited by international law.

Naomi : Yes, but those are just declarations not actual treaties.

Campbell : The interesting thing is that nearly every member of the unit conspired in this attack.

Snake : How could an entire unit be subverted to rebellion?

Naomi : They're calling it a revolution.

Campbell : Since they all went through the same gene therapy, they probably felt closer than brothers. They see the unit as their only family.

Snake : The Sons of Big Boss. But if they were regular army, they must've been interviewed periodically by army counsellers.

Campbell : According to their files, they all got straight A's on their psychological tests. They all seemed like fine, upstanding patriotic soldiers.

Snake : But they all took part in the uprising?

Campbell : No. Several people didn't show up on the day of the exercise. That's why there was a resupply of troops.

Snake : Was there any sign recently that something might be wrong?

Campbell : There was a report a month ago that they were acting strangely.

Naomi : Apparently they consulted classified information about the soldier genes and performed their own gene therapy experiments.

Snake : They can do that even without you?

Naomi : Well our gene therapy process is almost completely automated. And besides that they're all geniuses with IQs over 180.

Campbell : Even the existence of this genome army is a national secret of the highest order. We'd been hoping to investigate this quietly and deal with it behind closed doors.

Campbell : Hi-Tech special forces unit FOX-HOUND. Your former unit, and one that I was a commander of. An elite group combining firepower and expertise. They're every bit as good as when I was commanding them.

Snake : So they're still around.

Campbell : There are six members of FOX-HOUND involved in this terrorist activity. Psycho Mantis, with his powerful psychic abilities. Sniper Wolf, the beautiful and deadly sharpshooter. Decoy Octopus, master of disguise. Vulcan Raven, giant and shaman. And Revolver Ocelot, specialist in interrogation and a formidable gunfighter.

Snake : Looks like a lovely bunch of folks. Too bad we'll be meeting under these circumstances.

Campbell : And finally, in charge of them, FOX-HOUND's squad leader Liquid Snake.

Snake : Liquid Snake?!

Campbell : Yes and you're the only person who can stand against him.

Snake : Liquid Snake.

Campbell : Liquid Snake. The man with the same codename as you.

Snake : Tell me what you know.

Campbell : He fought in the Gulf War as a teenager, the youngest person in the SAS (British Special Air Service). His job was to track down and destroy mobile SCUD missile launching platforms. You were there too I believe. Didn't you infiltrate western Iraq with a platoon of Green Berets?

Snake : I was just a kid myself back then.

Campbell : The details are classified, but it seems that originally he penetrated the the Middle East as a sleeper for the SIS.

Snake : He was a spy for the British Secret Intelligence Service?

Campbell : But he never once showed his face in Century House. He was taken prisoner in Iraq, and after that there was no trace of him for several years. After you retired, he was rescued and became a member of FOX-HOUND.

Snake : I thought that by the time I left they were no longer using codenames.

Campbell : I don't know his real name. That information is so highly classified that even I can't look at it. Here's a photo of him. Pretty shocking, huh? His skin tone is a little different but otherwise you two are exact duplicates.

Snake : I have a twin?

Campbell : I don't know the details, but it seems so. That's why we really need you for this mission.

Naomi : You're the only one who can beat him. Now that I've met you, I know. You've got something he doesn't. I can see it in your eyes.

Snake : Why don't I find that thought more comforting?

Snake : Colonel, I don't work for the government anymore. Let me go back to Twin Lakes.

Campbell : Why Snake? Is your life in Alaska all that great?

Snake : There's a dogsled race this week. Next Saturday I have to be in Anchorage.

Campbell : The Iditarod? The longest sled race in the world? When did you become a dog musher?

Snake : Right now my fifty huskies are my only family. I've got to take care of them.

Campbell : Don't worry about your dogs.

Snake : What do you mean?

Campbell : I'm sorry Snake but this vessel is headed for the Bering Sea. There's no room for debate.

Snake : I told you, even if I do owe you I don't anything to this army or this country!

Campbell : You will accept this assignment!

Snake : Why should I be stupid enough to do that? I'm no patriot.

Campbell : Snake, there's enough dirt in your file from your days as an agent to keep you in the stockade until you're a very old man.

Snake : Oh I see. Blackmail.

Campbell : No Snake. I prefer to look at it as helping you to come to a decision more easily. But anyway, I know you better than that. You'd take this assignment even without the threat.

Snake : Why do you say that?

Campbell : You're a natural born soldier. You're not the grow old gracefully type. Same for all of us who've seen real action. The only place we can feel truly alive is on the battlefield. I'm a solider too. I know those feelings of powerlessness, frustration that you feel everyday. You've tried to play the boy scout out there in Alaska, but you can't race dogs in the snow forever. Why don't you come back to us and be a soldier again.

Snake : You think my life is some kind of joke?

Campbell : Snake, I just want to give you back your purpose in life.

Snake : Colonel, you're retired. Why are you involved in this?

Campbell : Becaue there aren't many people who know FOX-HOUND as well as I do.

Snake : Is that really the only reason?

Campbell : I've been soldiering for a long time, I don't know anything else. I guess even though I'm getting a little old, I still love to be in the field.

Snake : Colonel, you're a lousy liar. Tell me the real reason.

Campbell : Okay Snake. Sorry. I'll be frank. A person very dear to me is being held hostage.

Snake : Who is it?

Campbell : My neice. Meryl.

Snake : What was your niece doing here?

Campbell : Several soldiers were reported missing the day of the revolt. And my niece was one of those called in as an emergency replacement.

Snake : She looks like you.

Campbell : She's my little brother's girl. He died in the Gulf War. Since then I've been watching after her.

Snake : A personal motive, Colonel. That's not very soldierly.

Campbell : I'm retired. I'm just an old man now. And I'm your friend.

Snake : Since when are we friends?

Campbell : I've thought of us as friends since the fall of Zanzibar.

Snake : With my personality I don't have too many friends.

Campbell : That's what I trust about you. It's what makes you human. Please Snake. Save my niece Meryl.

Snake : All right, but I have two conditions.

Campbell : Name them.

Snake : One, no more secrets between us. I want complete disclosure at all times and two, I'll only accept orders from you, Colonel. No cutoffs involved okay?

Campbell : Agreed. That's why I was called. But one thing.

Snake : What?

Campbell : I'm not a colonel anymore. Just a retired old warhorse.

Snake : I understand, Colonel.

Snake : That doctor. Is she part of this operation too?

Campbell : She was in charge of FOX-HOUND's gene therapy. She knows more about those men than anyone else.

Snake : You mean you've seen them naked?

Naomi : Make no mistake. I'm not a nurse. I'm a scientist.

Snake : By the way, what was that injection for?

Naomi : It's a combination of and nanomachines and an anti-freezing peptide so that your blood and other bodily fluids don't freeze, even at sub-arctic temperatures.

Snake : Nanomachines?

Naomi : Not just one kind either. There are different types which will replenish the supply of adrenaline, nutrition and sugar in your bloodstream.

Snake : Now I don't have to worry about food.

Naomi : I also put some nootropics in there.

Snake : Say what?

Naomi : Nootropics. It's a class of drugs which wil help improve your mental functioning.

Snake : It'll make smarter huh? Anything else?

Naomi : Benzedrine. It's a type of stimulant. It'll keep you alert and responsive for twelve straight hours.

Snake : That was quite a cocktail. Anything else in there?

Naomi : Those nanomachines will also keep your Codec's batteries charged up.

Snake : I guess I can call you when I'm ready to go on a diet.

Naomi : You're welcome.

Snake : I need to borrow your scissors.

Naomi : What are you going to do?

Snake : Don't worry. Just going to clean myself up a little.

Naomi : Huh?

Snake : I don't want to be mistaken for the leader of the terrorists.


Shadow Moses Incident

Liquid : Stay alert! He'll be through here, I know it. I'm going to go swat down a couple of bothersome flies.

Snake : This is Snake. Colonel, can you hear me?

Campbell : Loud and clear Snake. What's the situation?

Snake : Looks like the elevator in the back is the only way up.

Campbell : Just as I expected. You'll have to take the elevator to the surface. But make sure that nobody sees you. If you need to contact me by codec, the frequency is 140.85. When you want to use the codec push the Select button. When we need to contact you the codec will beep. When you hear that noise push the Select button. The codec directly stimulates the small bones of your ear, no one but you will be able to hear it.

Snake : Got it, okay, I'm ready to go. It's Snake. I'm in front of the disposal facility.

Campbell : Excellent, Snake. Age hasn't slowed you down one bit.

Naomi : How's that Sneaking Suit working out?

Snake : I'm nice and dry, but it is a little hard to move.

Naomi : Bear with it. It's designed to prevent hypothermia. This is Alaska you know.

Snake : Take it easy, I'm grateful. If it wasn't for your suit and your shot I would have turned into a popsicle out there.

Naomi : An anti-freezing peptide Snake. All of the Genome soldiers in this excercise are using it.

Snake : I'm relieved to hear that. Already tested, huh? By the way, how's the diversionary operation going?

Campbell : Two F-16s just took off from Galena and are headed your way. The terrorist's radar should have picked them up by now.


Snake reaches the Helipad

Snake : A Hind D? Colonel, what's a Russian gunship doing here?

Campbell : I have no idea...but it looks like our little diversion got their attention. Now's your best chance to slip in unnoticed. There are only 18 hours left until their deadline. You've got to hurry.

Mei Ling : must be crazy to fly a Hind in this kind of weather.

Snake : Who's that?

Campbell : Oh sorry, I haven't introduced you two yet. This is Mei Ling. She was assigned to us as our visual and data processing specialist. She designed your codec, as well as your Soliton radar system. Contact her if you have any questions about either of them.

Mei Ling : Nice to meet you Snake. It's an honor to speak to a living legend like yourself.

Snake : ......

Mei Ling : What's wrong?

Snake : Nothing...I just didn't expect a world-class designer of military technology to be so...cute.

Mei Ling : You're just flattering me...

Snake : No, I'm serious. Now I know I won't be bored for the next 18 hours.Mei Ling : C'mon, I can't believe I'm being hit on by the famous Solid Snake... But I'm surprised, you're very frank for a trained killer.

Snake : Looks like we both have a lot to learn about each other.

Mei Ling : Yeah, I'm looking forward to meeting the man behind the legend...but first, let me explain about your Soliton radar system.

Mei Ling : The bright dot in the middle is you Snake. The red dots are your enemies and the blue cone shape represents their field of vision.

Naomi : Be careful Snake. The Genome soldiers have highly developed senses of hearing and vision due to their gene therapy. Make sure you don’t let them see you.

Campbell : First I want you to infiltrate the disposal site and look for the DARPA Chief.

Naomi : The DARPA Chief was injected with the same GPS transmitting nanomachines as you.

Mei Ling : He should appear on your radar as a green dot.

Campbell : Get whatever information you can from him about the terrorists. If he’s alive that is...

Mei Ling : Snake, your radar isn't affected by the weather, but if you're discovered by an enemy you won't be able to use it.

Campbell : Yes, it gets jammed easily I'm afraid.

Mei Ling : Yes, it's all made from currently existing technology. You won't be able to use it in an area with strong harmonic resonance. So be careful.

Campbell : We'll be monitoring your movements by radar... so contact us by Codec anytime you want.

Snake : Got it. I'll call if I'm feeling lonely.

Naomi : Seriously Snake. We're here to back you up, so call if you need some information or advice.

Mei Ling : I'm also in charge of your mission data. Contact me if you want me to record your current status. My frequency is 140.96. It's a dedicated frequency for saving data. Don't forget it.

Campbell : Remember, except for your binoculars you're naked. You need to arm yourself with whatever weapons you can find.

Snake : I remember. First I'm strip searched by Doctor Naomi here, and then all my weapons are taken away. Imagine yourself put in that position.

Naomi : Well, if yck in one you make it back in one peice, maybe I'll let you do a strip search on me.

Snake : I'll hold you to that doctor. By the way, sorry to dissapoint you but I did manage to smuggle out my smokes.

Naomi : How did you do that?

Snake : In my stomach. Thanks to the shot you gave me that suppressed my stomach acids.

Mei Ling : Cigarettes? How are those going to help you?

Snake : You never know.

Campbell : If you want to get in, there's the front door. It's the fastest way, but there's too much risk of being spotted by the enemy.

Snake : I can't just knock on the door and ask them to let me in. One sentry on the left and one on the right. They're armed with "five five sixers" and pineapples...

Campbell : What about the air duct near the door? There should also be a duct on the second floor.

Snake : I can't see it from here.

Campbell : I'll let you decide the best COA. I'm counting on you Snake.


Snake Reaches the Ducts

Master : Snake, it's been a long time.

Snake : Master? What are you doing here?

Master : I quit being a drill instructor, so I moved out here for some peace and quiet. I'm in retirement just like you. Once in a while I still help train the Alaskan Scouts.

Snake : Passing on the skills to a new generation, huh?

Master : Campbell told me about the situation here. I thought I might be of some use.

Snake : There's no one I'd rather have in a foxhole than you.

Master : Well, I know lots about survival in a harsh environment. I've lived in Alaska longer than you, so call me if you have any questions about the flora or fauna out here. My frequency is 141.80.

Genome 1 : I moved the DARPA Chief to the cell in the 1st floor basement.

Genome 2 : What about the vent shaft cleaning?

Genome 1 : They just opened the vent covers. They're about to start spraying for rats.

Snake : 1st floor basement ventilation shaft...

Genome 1 : Shut those covers as soon as they're done spraying. Also, keep your eye on that woman in the cell. Don't get careless now.

Snake : Woman in the cell?

Genome 2 : Did something happen?

Genome 1 : There's an intruder.

Genome 2 : Really?

Genome 1 : He's already done three people.

Genome 2 : He's killed three people?

Genome 1 : Yeah. They say he's using stealth too.

Genome 2 : Stealth?

Snake : There's an intruder besides me?

Genome 1 : Anyway, I want you to increase the security detail on the chief.


Snake Meets Donald

DARPA chief : Who... who, who's that?

Snake : I'm here to save you. You're the DARPA Chief, Donald Anderson, right?

DARPA chief : You're here to save me, huh? What's your outfit?

Snake : I'm the pawn they sent here to save your worthless butt.

DARPA chief : Really? It's true... You don't look like one of them. In that case, hurry up and get me out of here.

Snake : Slow down. Don't worry. First I want some information... about the terrorists.

DARPA chief : The terrorists?

Snake : Do they really have the ability to launch a nuke?

DARPA chief : What are you talking about?

Snake : The terrorists are threatening the White House. They say if they don't accede to their demands they'll launch a nuclear weapon.

DARPA chief : Sweet Jesus...

Snake : Is it possible?!

DARPA chief : ... It's possible. They... could launch a nuke.

Snake : How do they plan to launch? I though this place was just for keeping the dismantled warheads. THey shouldn't have access to a missile...

DARPA chief : What I'm about to tell you is classified information. Okay? We were conducting excercises of a new type of experimental weapon. A weapon that will change the world.

Snake : What?

DARPA chief : A weapon with the ability to launch a nuclear attack from any place on the face of the earth. A nuclear equipped, walking battle tank.

Snake : Metal Gear!? It can't be!

DARPA chief : ... You knew!? Metal Gear is one of the most secret black projects! How did you know that?

Snake : We've had a couple of run-ins in the past. So that's the reason you were here at this disposal site?

DARPA chief : Why else would I come to a God-forsaken place like this.

Snake : I had heard the Metal Gear project was scrapped.

DARPA chief : On the contrary, it has grown into a huge joint project between ArmsTech and ourselves. We were going to use this exercise as raw data and then proceed to mass production. If it hadn't been for the revolution.

Snake : Revolution... ?

DARPA chief : Rex has fallen into the hands of terrorists.

Snake : Rex?

DARPA chief : Metal Gear Rex, the codename for the new Metal Gear Prototype. They're probably already finished aiming the warhead they plan to use with Rex. These guys are pros. They're all experienced in handling and equipping weapons.

Guard : Hey! Shut up in there willya!

Snake : But I thought that all nuclear watheads were equipped with safety measures. Some kind of detonation code that you have to input.

DARPA chief : Oh, you mean PAL. Yes, of course, there is a PAL. It's set up so that you need to input two different passwords in order to launch the device.

Snake : There are two passwords?

DARPA chief : Yes. Baker knows one and I know one.

Snake : Baker? The president of ArmsTech?

DARPA chief : That's right. Each of us has to input our password or there can be no launch. But... they found out my password.

Snake : You talked?

DARPA chief : Psycho Mantis can read people's minds. You can't resist.

Snake : Psycho Mantis?

DARPA chief : One of the members of FOX-HOUND. He has psychic powers.

Snake : ...This is bad...

DARPA chief : It's just a metter of time before they get Baker's too.

Snake : If they find out Baker's password...

DARPA chief : Yes. They'll be able to launch a nuke anytime. But there is a way to stop the launch.

Snake : What?

DARPA chief : The card keys.

DARPA chief : They were designed by ArmsTech, the system developers as an emergency override. even without the passwords, you can just insert the card keys and engage the safety lock.

Snake : And if I do that?

DARPA chief : Yes. You can stop the launch.

Meryl : That card key... ?

Snake : So where are the keys?

DARPA chief : Baker should have them. Listen. You need three card keys. There are three different slots to put them in. You need to insert a card into each one of them.

Snake : Okay three card keys. Do you know where they mught be keeping Baker?

DARPA chief : Somewhere in the 2nd floor basement.

Snake : 2nd floor basement?

DARPA chief : I heard the guard say they moved him to an area that has a lot of electronic jamming.

Snake : Any other clues?

DARPA chief : Yes... they cemented over the entrances but but didn't have enough time to paint over them. Why don't you look for the areas where the walls are a different cover? Here, take this. It's my ID card. It'll open any level one security door. It's called a PAN card. It works together with your body's own electrical field.

Snake : Personal Area Network, huh?

DARPA chief : It transmits data using the salts in your body as the transmission medium. As you approach the door's security devices they'll read the data stored in the card.

Snake : And the doors will open automatically, gotcha. OK. I'm going to get you out of here.

DARPA chief : Wait a minute.

Snake : What is it?

DARPA chief : You haven't heard of another way to disarm the PAL, have you? From your bosses or anyone.

Snake : No.

DARPA chief : Are you sure you haven't heard anything?

Snake : I just said no.

DARPA chief : So, does the White House plan to give in to the terrorists demands?

Snake : That's their problem. It has nothing to do with my orders.

DARPA chief : But... what about the Pentagon?

Snake : Pentagon?

DARPA chief : Nnnnnnghhhhhh!

Snake : What is it!?

DARPA chief : Ww... Why? Uuuuuughhhh!

Meryl : What's that!? Hey! What happened!?

Snake : Hmmmm... Naomi! The chief! What happened?

Naomi : I... I don't know. It looked like a heart attack but...

Campbell : A heart attack? No...

Snake : ...Colonel, are you hiding something from me?

Campbell : Absolutely not. Snake, you've got to understand. This op is security level Red. You need the highest security clearance to get access to the complete file.

Snake : You want me to believe that you are in charge of this op, but you don't have access to the complete file!?

Campbell : I told you. The Secretary of Defense is in operational control. I'm just here as your support.

Snake : ........

Campbell : Snake, we don't have time to debate. get out of there and find President Baker!


Snake Meets the Rookie

Meryl : Don't move! So you killed the Chief. You bastard! Liquid!? No... you're not. Don't move!

Snake : Is this the first time you've ever pointed a gun at a person? Your hands are shaking.

Meryl : !!!

Snake : Can you shoot me, rookie?

Meryl : Careful, I'm no rookie!!

Snake : Liar! That nervous glance... that scared look in your eyes. They're rookie's eyes if I ever saw them. You've never shot a person, am I right?

Meryl : You talk too much.

Snake : You haven't even taken the safety off, rookie.

Meryl : I told you I'm no rookie!!!

Snake : You're not one of them are you?

Meryl : Open that door! You've got a card don't you!?

Snake : Why?

Meryl : So we can get the hell out of here.

Snake : Looks like we'll be a little delayed. What are you doing!? Don't think! Shoot!

Meryl : Thanks for the help.

Snake : Wait! Who are you?

Liquid : You fool! You've killed him!!

Ocelot : I'm sorry, Sir.

Mantis : ...His mental shielding was very strong. I could not dive into his mind.

Liquid : Now we'll never get that detonation code...

Mantis : Boss, I have a good idea.

Snake : Uuufff!! Damn!!

Mantis : Good girl. Just like that...

Snake : Naomi, I just had some kind of hallucination. Is it from the nanomachines?

Naomi : No Snake. The nanomachines are funtioning properly.

Snake : So what was it?

Naomi : It must have been psychometric interferance coming from Psycho Mantis. FOX-HOUND's psychic. Think of it as a mental feedback loop.

Snake : So that was Mantis...?


Snake V Ocelot

Snake : Am I too late?

Baker : Oooooo..... Huhuuhuhuh.....

Snake : He's alive. You're the ArmsTech president Kenneth Baker, right? Don't worry, I'm here to save you.

Baker : Noooo! Don't touch it... C4!

Ocelot : Right. Touch that wire and the C4 will blow up along with the old man! So you're the one the Boss keeps talking about.

Snake : And you?

Ocelot : Special Operations FOX-HOUND. Revolver Ocelot. I've been waitng for you, Solid Snake. Now we'll see if the man can live up to the legend! This is the greatest handgun ever made. The Colt Single Action Army. Six bullets. More than enough to kill anything that moves. Now I'll show you why they call me... "Revolver". Draw!


Snake Defeats Ocelot

Ocelot : Just what I'd expect from the man with the same code as the boss. It's been a long time since I've had such a good fight but I'm just getting warmed up. What! My hand!!!

Baker : Aaaaaaahhh!!

Ocelot : Uuuunnhh! Ooooof! Stealth Camouflage, can't you even die right!? You were lucky, we'll meet again!

Snake : Who are you!?

Ninja : I'm like you... I have no name.

Baker : Ohhh... ohhhh! That... that exoskeleton...!

Ninja : Ggggyyyaaaaaaahhh!!! Ggggyyyyaaaaaaaahhh!!! Gggggyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!

Snake : Who the hell!? Can you talk?

Baker : Who are you?

Snake : I'm not one of them. The DARPA Chief told me he gave them his detonation code. What about yours?

Baker : Oh, I get it. Jim sent you... You... you're from the Pentagon.

Snake : Answer my question! What about your code!? There's no time!

Baker : I... talked.

Snake : What! Now the terrorists have both codes and can launch anytime!

Baker : It's not like I didn't fight. I managed to resist Psycho Mantis's mind probe.

Snake : He couldn't read you? How'd you do it?

Baker : Surgical implants in my brain.

Snake : Surgical implants?

Baker : Kind of like a psychic insulation. Everybody who knows these top-secret codes has it.

Snake : Even the DARPA Chief?

Baker : Of course.

Snake : But the DARPA Chief said Mantis got his code by reading his mind.

Baker : Are you sure you heard him right?

Snake : Yeah, I'm sure. In that case, how did they get your code?

Baker : I never had any training on how to resist torture...

Snake : It looks like he had some fun with you all right.

Baker : He's not human. I tell you, he loved every second of it.

Snake : What happened to your arm?

Baker : He broke it.

Snake : Looks like you're more than even now. His was sliced off.

Baker : Ha. You're a funny man. ...So... the DARPA Chief... is he okay?

Snake : Dead.

Baker : What!? It can't be! You know that's not what you promised, Jim! Now you want to shut me up!

Snake : Calm down! What's wrong with you? I just told you I was here to save you! I didn't kill the DARPA Chief. He had a heart attack or something.

Baker : A heart attack? Oh, don't be a fool.

Snake : Anyway, the terrorists have both codes now.

Baker : Those boys are totally insane. They wouldn't hesitate to launch.

Snake : I agree. But what do they really want?

Baker : Who knows. Maybe they're like us in the arms industry... always looking forward to the next good war.

Snake : Well I'm not going to let these maniacs start a war toady. Do you still have the card keys.

Baker : Card keys?

Snake : To override tge detonation codes! I heard you had them...

Baker : No, not anymore.

Snake : What!? Who does then!? Not the terrorists!?

Baker : No, that woman.

Snake : Woman!? Who!?

Baker : A soldier that was thrown in prison along with me.

Snake : A female soldier? It must be...

Baker : She said that she had just joined up as a new recruit. She said they threw her in prison because she refused to take part in the rebellion.

Snake : A new recruit? Could that be the Colonel's niece!?

Baker : I gave her the key. Looks like she managed to break out of here though. I hope she's okay.

Snake : I'm sure she is. She's green... but as tough as they come. But how did you know she escaped?

Baker : I was in contact with her by Codec. Until I was tied up here that is.

Snake : Codec?

Baker : Yes. She stole it from the guard. If she still has it, you should be able to contact her.

Snake : I'm sure she still has it. What frequency was she at?

Baker : Oh yeah. Let me tell you. It's...

Snake : Huh?

Baker : ...Oh... sorry... I forgot...

Snake : Damn!

Baker : Oh that's right! It should be on the back of the CD case. Try to contact her.

Snake : I'll contact her right away. But tell me... If this doesn't work, is there some other way to prevent the missile launch?

Baker : Hmmm. You need to find Hal Emmerich, one of my employees.

Snake : Who's that?

Baker : The team leader of the Metal Gear Rex project. A genius at engineering, but a little bit of an oddball. If there is anyone who can figure out how to stop Metal Gear from launching, it's him.

Snake : What if he can't come up with anything?

Baker : You'll have to destroy it. Emmerich knows how to destroy Metal Gear.

Snake : Where is this Emmerich?

Baker : Well... he's probably being held somewhere in the Nuclear Warhead Storage Building. It's north from here. That's where he worked.

Snake : I understand, but... why Metal Gear? The Nuclear Age ended with the turn of the millenium.

Baker : You're wrong. The threat of nuclear war isn't gone... in fact it's greater than it's ever been. The amount of spent nuclear fuel and plutonium is increasing even today. Listen, have you ever seen a warehouse full of nuclear material?

Snake : ...No.

Baker : Drums and drums of nuclear waste stacked this high. As far as you can see because there's still no real way to dispose of the stuff.

Snake : So they just close the lid and pretend like it'll go away?

Baker : Essentially, yes. And they're not even doing a good job of storing it. Many of the drums are corroded... with nuclear waste seeping out of them.

Snake : Unbelievable.

Baker : Not only that, several pounds of MUF are reported every year.

Snake : MUF?

Baker : It stands for "material unnacounted for". It proves that there is a large and well organized black market in nuclear materials. Furthermore, since the end of the Cold War, Russian nuclear engineers, in particular, are out of work with nowhere to turn. In other words, there is plenty of nuclear material and scientists for making a bomb. We live in an age when any small country can have a nuclear weapons program.

Snake : What about the other superpowers?

Baker : Russia and China still maintain a signifigant nuclear presence. Complete nuclear disarmament is an impossibility. To maintain our own policy of deterrance, we need a weapon of overwhelming power.

Snake : You mean Metal Gear.

Baker : You know our industry suffered quite a blow as a result of the cut-backs in military budgets, due to this so called "peace".

Snake : I remember hearing a lot about mergers and take-overs among the big weapons makers.

Baker : Yes. And after my company lost their bid to produce the Air Force's next fighter jet, the Metal Gear project was out last ace in the hole. That's why we pushed to have Metal Gear developed as a black project.

Snake : Black project?

Baker : Secret projects paid for by the Pentagon's black budget. You can avoid a lot of red tape a get a great lead-time on your weapons production. And no one can bother you. Not even those bleeding heart liberals on the military oversight committee.

Snake : Bribes.

Baker : I prefer to think of it as good buisness. Anyway, Metal Gear was going to be formally adopted after the results of this exercise were analyzed.

Snake : I don't give a crap about you and your company.

Baker : Yes, that's about what I'd expect from a grunt like you... Here, this is what you came for, right?

Snake : What's that?

Baker : An optical disk. It's all here. The main hard drive was destroyed by gunfire. This is the only remaining copy of the data.

Snake : What kind of data?

Baker : All the data collected from this exercise. Don't play dumb. I know you were sent to get this. I hid it from that sadistic maniac while he was torturing me. They don't know that this disk exists. Make sure that you report this to Jim... to your boss. I'll give you my card too. It'll open up all level two security doors.

Snake : Can you walk?

Baker : ...No ...You go on without me. They got my password... they don't want anything else from me.

Snake : I have one more question. Who or what was that ninja thing? It looked like you knew something.

Baker : That ninja? That was FOX-HOUND's dark little secret.

Snake : Dark little secret?

Baker : An experimantal... genome... soldier...

Snake : You know him?

Baker : You should ask Dr. Naomi Hunter from FOX-HOUND. She knows better than I.

Snake : Naomi?

Baker : You've got to stop them. If it goes public, my company and I are... finished.

Snake : What? Doesn't Metal Gear use currently existing technology?

Baker : Metal Gear itself does, but...

Snake : Huh!?

Baker : What... what did you do to me!? Uh...! ...Ooh. Oh no, it can't be! ...those Pentagon bastards! ...So they...they actually went ahead and did it!

Snake : What are you talking about!?

Baker : They... they're just... using you for... uuuhhh...

Snake : What the hell? Colonel! Are you listening? Now he's dead too!

Campbell : ...I have no idea!

Snake : Don't lie to me!

Naomi : It looked like another heart attcak but...

Snake : Some kind of poison!?

Naomi : Well, there are a lot of drugs that can cause a heart attack in large doses. For example. potassium chloride or dioxides... But... we won't be able to tell without doing an autopsy.

Snake : Damn!

Campbell : Snake, I want you and Meryl to work together!

Snake : Can I trust her?

Campbell : ...More than you can trust me.

Snake : ......

Campbell : Get in contact with her.

Mei Ling : Snake, there is a lot of electrical interferance coming from there. It should be okay if you do burst transmission like us but normal transmission is probably impossible. Try moving away from that area.

Campbell : Snake, get a hold of yourself.

Snake : Naomi, what the hell was that ninja thing?

Naomi : .....

Snake : A member of FOX-HOUND?

Naomi : No...

Snake : Are you sure?

Naomi : Yes, we have no one like that in our unit.

Snake : Is that right?

Campbell : Snake, I'm counting on you.


Snake Contacts Meryl

Meryl : Who are you?

Snake : I was really impressed with the way you busted yourself out of there.

Meryl : The one from the prison?

Snake : You're the Colonel's niece, Meryl, right?

Meryl : ....No... it's not him... Just exactly who are you?

Snake : I'm the fool that your uncle sent all alone into the middle of this whole mess.

Meryl : You came by yourself? You think you're some kind of one-man army? You're not even armed.

Snake : I appreciate your help from before. But... I don't need lectures. You're just like your uncle, you know.

Meryl : How do you know my uncle?

Snake : We go way back.

Meryl : What's your name?

Snake : My name's not important.

Meryl : Aha! Could you be Snake? Are you Solid Snake?

Snake : That's what some people called me.

Meryl : The legendary Solid Snake...! You!? Sorry about before. I wasn't sure if you were one of the good guys.

Snake : But I knew you were.

Meryl : How?

Snake : It's your eyes.

Meryl : My eyes?

Snake : They're not soldiers eyes.

Meryl : They're rookie's eyes, right?

Snake : No, they're beautiful compassionate eyes.

Meryl : Just what I'd expect from the legendary Solid Snake. You trying to sweep me off my feet?

Snake : Don't worry. You'll land back on them once you meet me. The reality is no match for the legend, I'm afraid.

Meryl : I don't believe that.

Snake : Why did you look surprised when you saw my face?

Meryl : Because you look just like him.

Snake : ...You mean the terrorists leader, Liquid Snake?

Meryl : Yeah, you know him? You're not brothers are you!?

Snake : I have no family.

Meryl : So, what's the deal then?

Snake : Who knows. Why don't you ask him? But first I want some information. You were involved in this excercise from the beginning. What exactly happened here?

Meryl : I'm sorry. I was captured along with President Baker right after the terrorist attack.

Snake : That's okay. But what is this place? I don't think it is just a nuclear wepaons disposal facility...

Meryl : Boy oh boy... it's just like them! Nobody told you anything, did they? Okay... you see, this place isn't really for disposing nuclear weapons. This base is owned and operated by a dummy corporation of ArmsTech.

Snake : This is a civilian base?

Meryl : Right. For the development of Metal Gear.

Snake : Colonel!

Meryl : FOX-HOUND and the Next-Generation Special Forces were called here for the test launching of a dummy nuclear warhead.

Snake : Why FOX-HOUND?

Meryl : Because they're a Special Ops group used to handling top secret missions. They figured they could keep it all hush-hush.

Snake : But we must have fired nuclear warheads before. Why just this time?

Meryl : I heard it was because this was to be a final test before the formal adoption of the Metal Gear program... that's what I heard anyway.

Snake : Hmmm... sounds kind of fishy... So what do you think the terrorists want?

Meryl : Sorry, I'm not sure. I was captured with President Baker right after the revolt started.

Snake : Oh yeah, that's when he gave you the detonation override keys, right?

Meryl : That's right.

Snake : Amazing you were able to keep 'em hidden from the guards.

Meryl : Well... women have more hiding places than men. Anyway, you met up with Baker, huh? How's he holding up?

Snake : He's dead...

Meryl : What!?

Snake : Heart attack. Same as the DARPA Chief.

Meryl : The Chief died from a heart attck too?

Snake : Yeah, was either of them sick or anything?

Meryl : No, not that I heard of.

Snake : Well, I don't believe in coincidences. Something funny's going on.

Meryl : Hmmm. Sounds like it. But I have no idea what.

Snake : Me neither... yet. Do you know the person who designed Metal Gear?

Meryl : You mean Dr. emmerich?

Snake : Yes. Is he still alive?

Meryl : Probably. he should be in the second floor basemant of the Nuclear Warhead Storage Building to the north.

Snake : Second floor basement?

Meryl : Yeah, that's where his lab is. I think they're forcing him to work on the nuclear launching program.

Snake : So they'll need him alive until that's done anyway.

Meryl : Then we'd better do something before he finishes.

Snake : You're right. In case we can't override the detonation code in time, I need to ask him how to destroy Metal Gear.

Meryl : You plan to take that thing on by yourself, Snake?

Snake : It won't be the first time...

Meryl : .........

Snake : What's the best way to get to the building where the Doctor is being held?

Meryl : There's a cargo door on the first floor of this building that leads to the north.

Snake : What's the security level of the door there?

Meryl : Five, but it's okay... I've got a level five card.

Snake : Well, I've got to go save the Doctor. You should go...

Meryl : I'm going with you!

Snake : No way! You're still too green. I want you to hide somewhere.

Meryl : I'm not green.

Snake : Oh yes you are.

Meryl : ..........

Snake : You pause for just one second in front of your enemy and it's all over! Good luck doesn't last forever!

Meryl : I don't know what happened. I just couldn't pull the trigger right away. I never had any problems in training... But when I thought about my bullets tearing through those soldiers' bodies, I hesitated.

Snake : Shooting at targets and shooting at living, breathing people are different.

Meryl : Ever since I was a little girl, I always dreamed of being a soldier. Every day of my life, I've trained my mind and my body for the one day when I could finally see some real action, and now

Snake : So what now? You wanna quit?

Meryl : I can't quit. I can't alow myself to quit now.

Snake : Listen, Meryl. Everybody feels sick the first time they kill someone. Unfortunately, killing is one of those things that gets easier the more you do it. In a war, all of mankind's worst emotions, worst traits come out. It's easy to forget what a sin is in the middle of a battlefield.

Meryl : But this isn't a war. It's a terrorist action.

Snake : You're just a little jumpy from the combat high. The adrenaline in your blood is starting to whin out. Just take it easy.

Meryl : But I learned all about combat high at the academy...

Snake : We'll talk about it later. For now, just think about keeping yourself alive.

Meryl : If I get out of here alive, I'll think about that other stuff.

Snake : Okay, let me try to say this another way... Stay the hell out of my way.

Meryl : You're a real bastard, just like my uncle said.

Snake : Ha ha, I told you. The real me is no match for the legend.

Meryl : It looks like you were right. Okay Snake, I'll be a good girl.

Snake : We'll link up after I grab the Doctor. Then we'll take care of the detonation code override.

Meryl : Got ya. But listen, I know this area better than you. Call me if you have any questions.

Snake : Be careful, okay?

Meryl : After I open up the cargo door, I'll contact you. Snake, I unlocked the cargo door for you.

Snake : Thanks. Where are you?

Meryl : Where I can see ya.

Snake : Don't move around too much.

Meryl : Don't worry, I'm disguised in this enemy uniform.

Snake : You won't be for long with the way you walk.

Meryl : What does that mean?

Snake : Oh... nothing.

Meryl : Listen Snake, the cargo door is like an airlock. It's equipped with infrared sensors. Be careful. If an intruder is sensed, gas is released.

Snake : Gas...

Meryl : Okay, so we'll meet at the Nuclear Warhead Storage Building.

Snake : Wait! You said you'd stay put and be a good girl!

Meryl : I changed my mind.

Snake : Don't get careless. That is when things always turn sour.

Meryl : Sorry, but this is the only way I can figure out whether or not I'm cut out to be a soldier... I gotta get my hands dirty.

Snake : These guys are proffesionals. You're gonna get yourself killed.

Meryl : See ya there!


Snake Vs Tank

??? : Snake, be careful! There are Claymore mines around there. Use a mine detector.

Snake : Who are you?

??? : Just call me "Deepthroat".

Snake : Deepthroat? The informant from the Watergate scandal?

Deepthroat : Never mind about that.

Snake : You're not using burst transmission. Are you nearby?

Deepthroat : Listen. There's a tank in front of your position waiting to ambush you.

Snake : Who are you anyway?

Deepthroat : One of your fans.

Raven : This is Raven's territory... Snakes don't belong in Alaska, I will not let you pass. Send him a message! Ha ha ha ha ha... That's right, you belong on the ground. You should crawl on the ground like the Snake you are. Come. Let's fight!


Snake Defeats the Tank

Raven : Well, Boss. I hope you are happy. He got the card.

Man on Radio : ...We'll play with him a little longer...

Raven : You would be wise not to underestimate him.

Man on Radio : What did you think of him?

Raven : He is just as you said. In battle he is as if possessed by a demon. Much like you. I would expect no less.

Ocelot : You see? I told you so. But I will kill him.

Raven : So, General Ivan, I hear he took your hand as well as your dignity.

Ocelot : Watch your toungue, Shaman!

Raven : In the language of the Sioux people, "Sioux" means snake. It is known as an animal to be feared.

Ocelot : Well, Snake is mine now... When I meet him next, I'll take special care of him.

Man on Radio : Not yet... Don't kill him yet...

Raven : He and I will meet again in battle.

Ocelot : Same prediction as always?

Raven : Yes. The raven on my head... it thirsts for his blood.


The Nuclear Storage Facility

Campbell : Be careful. You absolutely must not use weapons in that area.

Naomi : I've already programmed the nanomachines so that he won't be able to, Colonel.

Snake : What? What are you talking about?

Naomi : Have you forgotten? That's where they keep the nuclear warheads. Can't you see them?

Snake : Yeah. There's lots of boxes piled up here, but... are they all warheads?

Campbell : Yes. They're all dismantled warheads.

Snake : They just leave them here? It's like President Baker said... totally careless.

Campbell : They're working on a limited budget. They try to put on a pretty face for the media, but this is the grim reality of it. Nastasha knows lots more than I do. Her frequency is 141.52.

Naomi : All of the warheads in those boxes have had their detonation mechanisms removed so there's no fear of them exploding. But is the warheads are broken they might leak plutonium and that would be a serious problem.

Campbell : Snake, you must never use your weapon on that floor.

Deepthroat : Snake! Watch out! That place is filled with gas. Also, the floor is electrified. First destroy the high voltage switch. Its the switchboard on the northwest wall.

Snake : But how? I can't reach it.

Deepthroat : Use a remote-controlled missile.


Snake Vs Ninja

Snake : It looks like they were cut by some type of blade.

Guard : It's... it's a ghost! Uuurgh!

Scientist : Stealth camouflage? Who are you?

Ninja : Where is my friend?

Scientist : What... what are you talking about? What next?

Ninja : Snake!!

Snake : You're that ninja.

Ninja : I've been waiting for you, Snake.

Snake : Who are you?

Ninja : Neither enemy nor friend. I am back from a world where such words are meaningless. I've removed all obstacles. Now you and I will battle to the death.

Snake : What do you want?

Ninja : I've waited a long time for this day. Now I wanto to enjoy the moment.

Scientist : What... what's with these guys? It's like one of my Japanese animes...

Ninja : I've come from another world to do battle with you.

Snake : What is it? Revenge?

Ninja : It is nothing so trivial as revenge. A fight to the death with you. Only in that can my soul find respite. I will kill you or you will kill me... it makes no difference.

Scientist : Waaaaaaaaahhhhhh!

Ninja : Hah! Fine! He can watch from inside there.

Snake : I need that man. Keep your hands off him.

Ninja : Now Snake. Make me feel alive again.


Snake Defeats Ninja

Ninja : I felt that, Snake... Do you remember me now?

Snake : It can't be! You were killed in Zanzibar...

Ninja : Eeeeeyaaaaaah!

Snake : What!? Not again!!

Ninja : The... the mediciiiiine!

Snake : What's happening?

Ninja : ...I...I... I'm losing myself...

Scientist : Is it over?

Ninja : Waaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!

Snake : Grey Fox... Colonel, that ninja is Grey Fox. No doubt about it.

Campbell : Rediculous! You of all people should know he died in Zanzibar.

Naomi : No, he should have died... but he didn't.

Campbell : What!?

Naomi : It happened before I joined FOX-HOUND's medical staff. They were using a soldier for their gene therapy experiments.

Campbell : I never heard that.

Naomi : It happened right after you retired. My predecessor, Dr. Clark, was in charge.

Campbell : Dr. Clark...

Naomi : Yes. He started the gene therapy project.

Snake : And where is he now?

Naomi : He was killed in an explosion in his lab two years ago.

Snake : And what about this soldier?

Naomi : Apparently for their test subject, they decided to use the body of a soldier who was recovered after the fall of Zanzibar...

Snake : And that was Grey Fox...

Campbell : But he was already dead...

Naomi : Yes. But they revived him. They fitted him with a prototype exoskeleton and kept him drugged for four years while they experimented on him like a plaything. Today's genome soldiers were born from those experiments.

Campbell : That's the sickest thing I ever heard.

Naomi : They used him to test all sorts of gene therapy techniques.

Snake : Naomi, why didn't you tell us about this sooner?

Naomi : Because it's confidential information.

Snake : Is that the only reason?

Naomi : ...

Campbell : Naomi: What happened to Grey Fox after that?

Naomi : The record says he died in the explosion.

Campbell : I see... But even if that ninja is Grey Fox, the question is why?

Snake : From what I could tell, he didn't know who he was.

Campbell : Are you saying that he's just a mindless robot?

Snake : I'm not sure, but he seems intent on fighting me to the death. We'll meet again, I know it.

Naomi : So you'll fight again? Until you kill him?

Snake : Hmmmmm... I'd rather not, but maybe that's what he wants...

Naomi : ....

Snake : How long are you going to stay in there?

Scientist : Huh? ...are you one of them?

Snake : No, I'm not. I always work alone.

Scientist : Alone? Are you an Otaku too?

Snake : C'mon, get out. We can't stay here forver.

Scientist : Your uniform is different from theirs.

Snake : You're the Metal Gear shief engineer, Hal Emmerich, right?

Emmerich : You know me?

Snake : I heard about you from Meryl.

Emmerich : Oh. So you're here to rescue me?

Snake : Sorry, but no. There's something that I've got to do first.

Emmerich : Oh, well... at least you're not one of them...

Snake : Huh? Are you hurt?

Emmerich : I'm okay. I just twisted my ankle a little bit trying to get away.

Snake : Well, if that's all, it's nothing to worry about. I want to ask you something. I need information about Metal Gear.

Emmerich : Huh? Metal Gear?

Snake : Yeah. What's Metal Gear really designed for?

Emmerich : It's a mobile TMD. It's designed to shoot down nuclear missiles, only for defensive purposes of course.

Snake : Liar! I already know that Metal Gear is nothing more than a nuclear-equipped, walking death mobile.

Emmerich : Nuclear? What are you talking about?

Snake : The terrorists are planning to use Metal Gear to launch a nuclear missile. You telling me I didn't know?

Emmerich : They're going to put a nuclear missile into Metal Gear's TMD missile module?

Snake : Wrong. From the beginning, the purpose of this exercise was to test Metal Gear's nuclear launch capability using a dummy nuclear warhead. The terrorists are just continuing the work you started.

Emmerich : No, you're wrong....

Snake : I heard it directly from your boss, Baker.

Emmerich : No... a nuclear missile on Rex?

Snake : ...So you really didn't know?

Emmerich : No. All the armamnet was built by a seperate department and the president personally supervised the final assembly of the main unit.

Snake : President Baker?

Emmerich : Yeah. I was never told exactly what they armed Rex with. I...I only know it's equipped with a vulcan cannon, laser, and a rail gun.

Snake : A rail gun you said?

Emmerich : Yeah. It uses magnets to fire bullets at extremely high velocities. The technology was originally developed for the SDI system and later scrapped. We were successful in miniaturizing it in a joint venture between ArmsTech and Rivermore National Labs. The rail gun is on Rex's right arm.

Snake : Metal Gear's main funtion is to launch nuclear missiles. You're sure you're not forgetting something?

Emmerich : It's true that Metal Gear has a missile module on his back that can carry up to eight missiles. But are you saying it was originally meant to carry nuclear missiles?

Snake : Yeah, but that's not all I think. If Metal Gear fired only standard nuclear missiles, then they should already have all the practical data they need.

Emmerich : No... could it be? Metal Gear's co-developer, Rvermore National Labs, was working on a new type of nuclear weapon. They were using NOVA and NIF laser nuclear fusion testing equipment and supercomputers.

Snake : So they developed a new type of nuclear weapon in a VR testing lab, huh?

Emmerich : Yes, but, you can't use virtual data on a battlefield. They would need actual launch data. These are some of the supercomputers. If you link these you can test everything in a virtual environment. But it's all just theoretical.

Snake : So this exercise was designed to test the real thing?

Emmerich : What did our president do? If the terrorists launch that thing... Damn!! ...Damn!! I'm such a fool! It's all my fault... The truth is... my grandfather was part of the Manhattan Project. He suffered with the guilt for the rest of his life. And my father... he was born on August 6, 1945...

Snake : The day of the Hiroshima bomb... God's got a sense of humour all right.

Emmerich : Three generations of Emmeich men... We must have the curse of nuclear weapons written into our DNA. I used to think I could use science to help mankind. But the one that wound up getting used was me. Using science to help mankind. that's just in the movies...

Snake : That's enough crying. Pull yourself together! Where is Metal Gear? Where on this base are they keeping it?

Emmerich : Rex is in the underground maintainence base.

Snake : Where is that?

Emmerich : North of the Communications Tower. But it's a long way there.

Snake : The emergency override system for the detonation code is there too?

Emmerich : Yeah, in the maintenance base's Control Room. You better hurry. If they were planning a launch from the start, then their ballistic program is probably finished. And since they haven't called for me in a few hours, they must not need me. In other words, they must be ready to launch.

Snake : Meryl's got the detonation override keys. We'll link up with her.

Emmerich : If we can't override the launch we'll have to destroy Rex. I'll show you the way.

Snake : On that leg of yours? You'll just slow me down.

Emmerich : You'll need me if you're gonna destroy Rex.

Snake : I don't need you. I just need your brain.

Emmerich : I created Rex. It's my right... my duty to destroy him.

Snake : If you get a chance, try to escape. When the coast is clear I'll try to contact you by Codec.

Emmerich : How am I supposed to escape from an island?

Snake : Okay.

Emmerich : So what then?

Snake : I want you to hide somewhere and keep me informed. You know this place well, don't you?

Emmerich : Of course I do. And don't worry. I've got this. It's the same stealth technology as the ninja. FOX-HOUND was going to use them, but... With this I'll be fine, bad leg and all.

Snake : Good. But I want Meryl to watch after you too. Meryl, the engineer's okay.

Meryl : That's a relief.

Snake : I want you to look after him. Where are you now?

Meryl : Very close.

Guard : There she is! Over there!

Meryl : Oh no! Damn... they've spotted me!!

Snake : Meryl! What happened!? Something's wrong.

Emmerich : Did you hear something? Wasn't that some kind of music?

Snake : What did she look like?

Emmerich : She... she was wearing the same green uniform as the terrorists.

Snake : A disguise?

Emmerich : She had such a cute way of walking. She kind of wiggles her behind.

Snake : You were really looking.

Emmerich : Well... she's got a very cute behind...

Snake : Way of walking, huh?

Emmerich : If she's disguised as the enemy, you'll have to contact her when she's alone, huh? There's only one place where we can be sure she's by herself.

Snake : Where's that?

Emmerich : Don't be so dense... Here, use this security card. It's security level 4.

Snake : You're not in pain, are you?

Emmerich : Huh?

Snake : You feel okay? Nothing bothering you?

Emmerich : What's wrong? Getting all fiendly all of a sudden?

Snake : Oh nothing.... I'm glad you're okay.

Emmerich : You're strange.

Snake : I'm a little nervous. Everyone else I've saved suddenly dies.

Emmerich : You're bad luck.

Snake : Forget it, Doctor.

Emmerich : Call me, Otacon.

Snake : Otacon?

Otacon : It stands for Otaku Convention. An Otaku is a guy like me who likes Japanimation. Japan was the first country to successfully make bipedal robots. They're still the best today in the field of robotics.

Snake : And Japanese cartoons played some part in that?

Otacon : They did. I didn't get into science to make nuclear weapons, you know.

Snake : That's what all scientists say.

Otacon : I became a scientist because I wanted to make robots like the ones in the Japanese Animes. Really, it's true.

Snake : Just sounds like a childish excuse to me.

Otacon : You're right. We have to take responsibility. Science has always thrived on war. The greatest weapons of mass destruction were created by scientists who wanted to be famous. But that's all over now. I won't take part in murder anymore.

Snake : Whatever. All I want from you is information.

Otacon : Sure. I know everything about this whole base. About this base or Rex. Also, with this stealth camouflage, I can sneak in and out of the armory and mess hall. If you need ammo or rations, just tell me and I'll bring them to you. I'm on frequency 141.12. See ya later.


Snake in the Ladies

Meryl : FREEZE! don't move. That's the second time I've been able to sneak up on the legendary Solid Snake.

Snake : You're Meryl? There's no way you could pass for a man for long.

Meryl : What do you mean? Hey! Men aren't allowed in here.

Snake : I had no idea you were so feminine.

Meryl : This is no time to try and hit on me, Snake. Besides, it's a waste of time. When I joined up they gave me psychotherapy to destroy my interest in men.

Snake : Same smart mouth. You're Meryl all right. Are you hurt?

Meryl : Not yet. After all, I was disguised as a Genome Soldier.

Snake : So why'd you change? You'd be better off dressed like one of them.

Meryl : I got tired of disguising myself. The truth is... the uniform smelled like blood.

Snake : What's that mark?

Meryl : Huh? Oh, this? It's a paint tattoo. It's not real. I was a fan of FOX-HOUND way back. When guys like you and my uncle were in it. None of that gene therapy like there is today. You guys were real heroes.

Snake : There are no heroes in war. All the heroes I know are either dead... or in prison. One or the other.

Meryl : But Snake. You're a hero. Aren't you?

Snake : I'm just a man who's good at what he does. Killing. There's no winning or losing for a mercenary. The only winners in war are the people.

Meryl : That's right. And you fight for the people.

Snake : I've never fought for anyone but myself. I've got no purpose in life. No ultimate goal.

Meryl : Come on.

Snake : It's only when I'm cheating death on the battlefield. The only time I feel truly alive.

Meryl : Seeing other people die makes you feel alive, huh? You love war and don't want it to stop... Is it the same with all great soldiers throughout history?

Snake : Why didn't you contact me?

Meryl : My Codec was broken.

Snake : Is that all?

Meryl : Shouldn't you just be happy that we met up like this!? How did you recognize me in disguise?

Snake : I never forget a lady.

Meryl : So there's something you like about me, huh?

Snake : Yeah, you've got a great butt.

Meryl : Oh, I see. First it's my eyes, now it's my butt. What's next?

Snake : On the battlefield you never think about what's next.

Meryl : So Snake... how are the negotiations doing?

Snake : No progress.

Meryl : So, it's all up to you, huh?

Snake : Somebody's got to prevent them from launching a nuclear missile.

Meryl : There are two ways. Either we destroy Metal Gear, or...

Snake : ...we override the detonation code. You got the card keys from Baker?

Meryl : Card keys? You mean this?

Snake : Where are the others? There should be three keys.

Meryl : This is all I've got.

Snake : Where could the other two be?

Meryl : I have no idea, but they must be somewhere. If we can't find them we'll have no choice but to destroy Metal Gear.

Snake : Metal Gear is in an underground maintenance base to the north.

Meryl : Take me too. I know this place better than you do.

Snake : You'll just slow me down. You don't have enough battle experience.

Meryl : I won't slow you down. I promise.

Snake : And what if you do?

Meryl : Then you can shoot me.

Snake : I don't like to waste bullets.

Meryl : Got it. I'll be careful. Y'know... I don't use makeup the way other women do... I hardly ever look at myself in the mirror. I've always despised that kind of woman. I always dreamed of becoming a soldier. But I was wrong. It wasn't really my dream. My father... he was killed in action when I was younger.

Snake : You wanted to follow in your father's footsteps?

Meryl : Not really. I thought that if I became a soldier I could understand him better.

Snake : So are you a soldier yet?

Meryl : I thought I was until today. But... now I understand. The truth is I was just afraid of looking at myself. Afraid of having to make my own decisions in life. But I'm not going to lie to myself any more. It's time I took a long, hard look at myself... I want to know who I am, what I'm capable of. I want to know why I've lived the way I've lived until now. I want to know.

Snake : Take a good look. You won't get another chance for a while. You should wash your face while you're at it. This isn't a training exercise. Our lives are riding on this. There are no heroes or heroins. If you lose, you're worm food.

Meryl : Yeah.

Snake : Is that FAMAS functional?

Meryl : Unfortunately it's out of ammo.

Snake : Where'd ya' get that Desert Eagle?

Meryl : I found it in the armory. It's a .50 caliber Action Express. There was a SOCOM pistol too, but I chose this.

Snake : Hmmm. So I got a leftover, huh. Isn't that gun a little big for a girl.

Meryl : Don't worry, I can handle it.

Snake : C'mon. Use my .45.

Meryl : Listen, I've used a gun like this since I was 8 years old. I'm more comforatble with it than I am with a bra. If we're going to go to the north, we'll have to go through the Commander's Room on this floor. The overland route is blocked by glaciers. The door to the commander's room is security level five. This card will open it. It was inside the pocket of the uniform I was wearing.

Snake : Looks like he must have been guarding someplace important.

Meryl : Okay, let's go. I know this place better than you. I'll be point man. Follow me. That's strange. There's no guard.

Snake : What happened to the music?

Meryl : I'll keep a look out. Make sure you're ready, okay?


Snake Vs Mantis

Meryl : My head! ...Ooh. It hurts!

Snake : What's wrong?

Meryl : Don't come here, Snake!

Snake : Are you okay? What happened?

Meryl : I'm fine. Let's go. C'mon Mr. FOX-HOUND. The commander is waiting. Ah! Snake... do you... like me?

Snake : What the!?

Meryl : Do you like me? Hold me, Snake.

Snake : What's wrong?

Meryl : Hurry... hurry! Make love to me!! Snake, I want you!!

Snake : Who's that!?

Mantis : Huh? You don't like girls?

Campbell : Snake, Meryl's not herself. Don't use your weapon.

Naomi : It's psycho Mantis. He's controlling Meryl. That tune is his mind control music.

Campbell : Don't use your weapon. Try to knock her out.

Mantis : Useless woman!

Snake : Optic camouflage, huh? I hope that's not your only trick.

Mantis : You! You doubt my power!? Now, I will show you why I am the most powerful practitioner of psychokinesis and telepathy in the world. No... there's no need for words, Snake. I am Psycho Mantis. That's right... this is no trick. It is true power. It's useless. I told you... I can read your every thought. Now... let me read your mind. No... perhaps I should say your past.

(Secret) Mantis Comments

Mantis : Still don't believe me? Now I'll read more deeply into your soul.

  • You're a careless man, aren't you?
  • And you're a poor warrior as well.
  • And the same goes with traps.
  • However you are skillful at eluding traps.
  • However you are a skilled warrior.
  • You like brute force...
  • But you are careless around traps.
  • You are extremely cautious around traps.
  • You are a very methodical man.
  • The type that always kicks his tires before he leaves.
  • And yet you are rather ineffective in battle.
  • And you need to beware of traps as well.
  • It seems that you are careful with traps.
  • You are a highly skilled warrior,
  • well suited to this stealth mission
  • However, traps are your weak point.
  • You are extremely careful of traps.
  • You are either very cautious, or you are a coward...

Mantis : Still don't believe me? Now I'll read more deeply into your soul.

  • Ah...I can see into your mind...
  • So you like SUIKODEN?
  • So you like AZURE DREAMS?
  • You like fighting games, don't you?
  • So you like adventure games?
  • You enjoy role-playing games.
  • You like action games!
  • You like to play sports games!
  • You like arcade games.
  • I see that you enjoy Konami games.
  • So you like VANDAL HEARTS.
  • I can read you like an open book!
  • Hmmm. You have saved often.
  • You are a prudent person.
  • Hmmm. You have not saved often.
  • You are somewhat reckless.
  • Hmmm...Your memory is completely clean.
  • And you are neglecting to save this game as well.
  • You will regret it.

Mantis : You still don't believe me? I will show you my psychokinetic power. Put your controller on the floor. Put it down as flat as you can... that's good. Now I will move your controller by the power of my will alone!! What do you think now!? Can you feel my power now!? The demonstration is over!! You are powerful indeed, but I know your weak point!

Snake : Meryl.

Mantis : Stand right where he can see you... and blow your brains out!!!

Meryl : Aaah!!

Snake : Stop! Meryl!!

Mantis : Why!?

Mantis : Yes, stand right there and blow your brains out.


Snake Defeats Mantis

Snake : Colonel, your niece is going to be okay.

Campbell : Thanks, Snake. I owe you one.

Snake : Now that Mantis is beaten, Meryl's brainwashing is going to wear off, right Naomi?

Naomi : Yes. Why did you go so far out of your way to save her? For Campbell's sake... or... maybe it's because you like her?

Snake : I don't want to see any woman die right in front of me.

Naomi : Oh really? Since when did anybody's death bother you so much?

Campbell : Naomi! It's true that Snake has killed a lot of people, that doesn't mean he doesn't have a heart.

Snake : It's okay, Colonel... she's right.

Naomi : .......

Mantis : So... you used the other... I... I wasn't able to read the future...

Snake : A strong man doesn't need to read the future. He makes his own.

Mantis : Perhaps so... But I will also read your future... To get to Metal Gear's underground maintenance base... you have to go through that hidden door. There's a hidden door behind the bookcase. The overland route... it's blocked by frozen glaciers. Go past the communications towers. Then use the tower's walkway.

Snake : Why are you telling me this?

Mantis : I can read people's minds. In my lifetime I have read the pasts, presents, and futures of thousands upon thousands of men and women.

Meryl : Oh... gross...

Mantis : And each mind that I peered into was stuffed with the same single object of obsession. That selfish and atavistic dsire to pass on one's seed... it was enough to make me sick. Every living thing on this planet exists to mindlessly pass on their DNA. We're designed that way. And that's why there is war. But you... you are different... You're the same as us. We have no past, no future. We live in the moment. That's out only purpose. Humans weren't designed to bring eachother happiness. From the moment we're thrown into this world, we're fated to bring each other nothing but pain and misery. The first person who's mind I dove into was my father's. I saw nothing but disgust and hatred for me in his heart. My mother died in childbirth... and he despised me for it... I thought my father was going to kill me. That's when my future dissapeared. I lost my past as well. When I came to, the village was engulfed in flames...

Snake : Are you saying you burned your village down to bury your past?

Mantis : I see that you have suffered the same trauma. We are truly the same, you and I... The world is a more interesting place with people like you in it... I never agreed with the Boss's revolution. His dreams of world conquest do not interest me. I just wanted an excuse to kill as many people as I could.

Meryl : You monster!

Snake : Let him talk. He doesn't have much time left.

Mantis : I've seen true evil. You Snake. You're just like the Boss... No, you're worse. Compared to you, I'm not so bad. I read her mind as well.

Snake : Meryl's?

Mantis : I saw you there... you have a large place in heart.

Snake : A large place?

Mantis : Yes. A large place. But I do not know if your futures lie together. I have a last request.

Snake : What is it?

Mantis : My mask... put it back on.

Snake : Okay.

Mantis : Like this... other people's thoughts force their way into my mind. Before I die... I want to be by myself. I want to be left alone in my own world. I'll open the door for you. If you want to find your future, go through that door. This is the first time I've ever used my power to help someone. It's strange... it feels... kind of... nice.

Snake : Let's go, Meryl.

Meryl : I'm sorry...

Snake : Meryl?

Meryl : How could I let Mantis control my mind like that...

Snake : If you're going to doubt yourself, I'll leave you here.

Meryl : You're right.

Snake : Never doubt yourself. Just let it make you stronger. Learn something from it.

Meryl : You're right. I'm sorry. I won't do it again. Snake, can I ask you something?

Snake : What!?

Meryl : About what Mantis said... I was just wondering...

Snake : What? What's the problem now?

Meryl : Oh no... nothing. So tell me, Snake. What's your name? Your real name?

Snake : Name means nothing on the battlfield.

Meryl : How old are you?

Snake : Old enough to know what death looks like.

Meryl : Any family?

Snake : No, but I was raised by many people.

Meryl : Is there anyone you like?

Snake : I've never been interested in anyone else's life...

Meryl : So you are all alone. Just like Mantis said.

Snake : Other people just complicate my life. I don't like to get involved.

Meryl : You're a sad, lonely man.

Snake : C'mon... let's go.

Meryl : Okay, I'll take point again. Follow me. What's wrong, Snake? I thought you were good with dogs?


Snake Vs Wolf Pt1

Meryl : Hold up, Snake! This place is mined.

Snake : The radar isn't working. And since we can't use the mine detector either...

Meryl : Leave it to me...

Snake : How did you know where the mines were?

Meryl : When Mantis dove into my mind, I could see where the mines were placed. Are you impressed?

Snake : Well... a little bit. Meryl!!

Meryl : What is it?

Snake : Meryl, get down!!!

Meryl : Aaaaaahhhh!!

Snake : Meryl!!

Meryl : Aaaaaaaaahhhh!!! Aaaaaaaghhhh!!! Snake.... leave me and run...

Snake : Meryl...

Meryl : I guess... I am a rookie after all...

Snake : Don't worry, Meryl. It's me they want.

Meryl : Even I know that, it's the oldest trick in the book. The sniper's using me for bait to lure you out.

Snake : Damn!!

Meryl : Shoot me, Snake!!

Snake : No!

Meryl : My gun... I can't reach it by myself.

Snake : Don't move!

Meryl : I promised... I wouldn't slow you down! I... I... I can still help... I want to help you!

Snake : Quiet down! Save your strength!

Meryl : I was a fool, I wanted to be a soldier. But war is ugly... There's nothing glamorous about it. Snake, please! Save yourself. Go on living and don't give up on people! Don't forget me... Now get out of here!

Campbell : Meryl! Damn!! Snake, it's a trap! Sniper's trick to lure you out. The sniper's waiting for you to go and help Meryl so he can pick you off... Don't do it!

Naomi : It must be Sniper Wolf, FOX-HOUND's best shooter.

Snake : Sniper's usually work in pairs, but this one's alone, huh?

Naomi : I know her. She can wait for hours, days, or weeks, it doesn't matter to her. She's just watching and waiting for you to expose yourself.

Snake : Maybe so, but Meryl can't hold out that long...

Naomi : Snake, can you see Wolf from where you are?

Snake : There's no where to hide between here and the tower... she must be on the second floor of the tower.

Campbell : If Wolf is in the Communications Tower, she can see you perfectly! It's the classic sniper's position!! At that distance you won't be able to hit her with a standard weapon either! You'll need a sniper rifle.

Snake : Colonel! Take it easy.

Campbell : ......

Snake : I'm going to save Meryl no matter what it takes.

Campbell : Okay, thanks.

Naomi : ......

Snake : What's wrong, Naomi?

Naomi : Nothing... I'm just surprised you're willing to sacrifice yourself... you've got the genes of a soldier, not a savior.

Snake : Trying to say that I'm only interested in saving my own skin?

Naomi : I wouldn't go that far but...

Snake : I don't know what the hell my genes look like and I don't care. I operate on instinct.

Naomi : Like an animal?

Snake : I'm going to save Meryl. I don't need an excuse.

Naomi : Okay...

Snake : And I'm not doing it for someone else either. I'm going to save Meryl by myself. Colonel, don't worry!

Campbell : Snake, thanks.

Naomi : I understand. I'm sorry.

Campbell : You've got a PSG1? Hurry up and save Meryl!

Guards : Freeze!!

Wolf : It's hard to miss when you're this close. Toss your weapon over here. Slowly... You are a fool to come down here.. stupid man!

Snake : A lady sniper, huh?

Wolf: Didn't you know that two thirds of the world's greatest assassins are women? Do you want to die now? Or after your female friend? Which will it be?

Snake : I'll die after I kill you.

Wolf : Is that right? Well at least you've got spirit. I am Sniper Wolf and I always kill what I aim at. You're my... special prey. Got it? I've left my mark on you... I won't forget it. Until I kill you, you're all I'll think about.

Snake : Uuuuhh!!

Guard : Take him away!


An Uncomfortable Place to Rest

Liquid : Don't kill him yet. I want him alive.

Ocelot : Leave it to me.

Liquid : I want no more accidents like that DARPA Chief.

Wolf : Yes. He's my target. Mine alone.

Liquid : Can you hear me, Solid Snake?

Wolf : He's tougher than I thought...

Liquid : Do you know who I am? I always knew that one day I would meet you. The man who stole what was rightly mine... the man who stole my birthright. Me? I'm the man you stole everything good from. And now, after the sacrifice of our brothers... after 30 long years, finally the two of us meet. The brother of light and the brother of dark.

Wolf : Do you need his DNA too?

Liquid : Yes, I want a sample while he's still alive. We need it to correct the Genome Soldier's mutations.

Wolf : Then we'll be able to cure them?

Liquid : No. We still have to get our hands on Big Boss's DNA.

Wolf : Have they given in to our demands yet?

Liquid : Not yet.

Wolf : They won't give in. They're all hypocrites, every one of them.

Liquid : Is that your opinion as a Kurd?

Wolf : They always put politics first.

Liquid : That's right. That's why they want to avoid any leak about their precious new nuclear weapon.

Ocelot : Boss, it looks like our friend is awake.

Liquid : There definitely is a resemblance. Don't you think, little brother? Or should I say big brother? I'm not sure... Anyway, it doesn't matter. You and I are both the last surviving "sons of Big Boss". It's me... Really? Then what? Those idiots! All right Raven. I'll be right there. They're not responding to our demands. We'll launch the first one in 10 hours as planned.

Wolf : Damn Americans!!

Ocelot : Looks like you read them wrong.

Liquid : Something's funny... Normally the Americans are the first ones to the negotiating table. They must think they've go something up their sleeves.

Ocelot : So it's come down to it, has it. We're going to launch that nuke and ride it all the way into history.

Liquid : I've got to take care of some launch preparations. You're in charge here, Ocelot.

Ocelot : What about you? Wanna stay for the show?

Wolf : I'm not interested. It's time to feed the family.

Ocelot : So, you prefer your wolves to my show, huh?

Liquid : Ocelot, don't screw up like you did with the Chief.

Ocelot : Yes, I know. That was an accident. I didn't think a pencil pusher like him would be so tough.

Liquid : Well... his mental defenses were reinforced by hypnotherapy.

Ocelot : Boss, what about that ninja?

Liquid : He killed 12 men. Whoever he is, he's some kind of lunatic.

Ocelot : Bastard took my hand... How could he have gotten in here?

Liquid : Perhaps there's a spy among us... Mantis is dead. We've also got to find out what killed Baker and Octopus. We're shorthanded, so make this little torture show of yours as short as possible.

Ocelot : Torture? This is an interrogation.

Liquid : As you wish. See you later, brother...

Wolf : Your woman is still in this world...

Snake : Meryl...

Wolf : Catch you later, handsome...

Ocelot : Once she picks a target, she doesn't think about anything else. Sometimes she even falls in live with thwm before she kills them. Finally, just the two of us. How are you feeling?

Snake : Not bad. I caught a nice nap on this revolving bed of yours. Too bad I was sleeping alone.

Ocelot : Glad to hear that. This is some bed all right. I'm about to show you some of its nicer features...

Snake : Where are my things?

Ocelot : Oh don't worry. They're all there. Washington was taking quite a chance sending you here. Someone must have had a lot of faith in your skill. Huh, carrier boy?

Snake : So, Metal Gear is armed with a new type of nuclear warhead, huh?

Ocelot : Why don't you go ask Campbell for the full story?

Snake : The Colonel?

Ocelot : By the way, you get an optical disk from President Baker, didn't you?

Snake : What if I did?

Ocelot : Is that the only disc? There's no other data?

Snake : What do you mean?

Ocelot : There's no copy? If not, that's fine.

Snake : Is Meryl okay?

Ocelot : She's not dead yet. Wolf must have been feeling generous. But if you want her to stray that way you better start answering my questions right now. You were holding one card key. Where are the other two? What's the trick behind that key!? That weasel of a president said there's some kind of trick to using the key.

Snake : Hell if I know.

Ocelot : I see. No problem then. We're going to play a game, Snake. And we'll find out what kind of man we really are. When the pain becomes too great to bear just give up and your suffering will end. But if you do, the girl's life is mine.


Snake Locked Up

Snake : Looks like I've got a roommate. The DARPA Chief!? Whew...what a stench!

Campbell : Snake, are you okay?

Snake : I've been better.

Naomi : How's Meryl?

Snake : ........

Campbell : ........ Snake, the government has decided not to give in to their demands. We're trying to buy some more time.

Snake : C'mon, Colonel. Why don't you stop playing dumb? I'm sorry about Meryl but I want the lies to end now.

Campbell : What are you talking about?

Snake : Metal Gear was designed to launch a new type of nuclear warhead, wasn't it?

Campbell : !

Snake : You knew it all along, didn't you?

Campbell : .......

Snake : Why did you try to hide it?

Campbell : ...I'm sorry...

Snake : Can't tell the grunts, huh? ...You've changed a lot. Metal Gear... secret advanced nuclear weapons research... Does the White House know about this? How deep does it go?

Campbell : As far as I know, as of yesterday, the President had not been briefed about the Rex Project.

Snake : "Need to know basis", is that the idea?

Campbell : These are sensitive times. Even sub-critical nuclear tests are causing quite a stir.

Snake : Plausible deniability, huh?

Campbell : Yes. And tomorrow the President and his Russian counterpart are scheduled to sign the Start 3 Accord.

Snake : I get it. That's the reason for the deadline.

Naomi : That's right, Snake. And that's why we can't let the terrorist attack go public.

Campbell : We still haven't even ratified Start 2 or dealt with the issue of TMDs. This has to do with the Presodent's reputation and America's place as the dominant superpower.

Snake : So patriotism is your excuse for circumventing the Constitution?

Campbell : Please, Snake... just stop them.

Snake : Why should I?

Campbell : Because you're the only one who can.

Snake : In that case, tell me the truth about this new type of nuclear warhead.

Campbell : I told you before. I don't knwo the details.

Snake : I don't believe you.If the situation is so serious, why don't you give in to their demands? Let them have Big Boss's remains.

Campbell : You see...

Snake : Or is there some reason that you can't do that? Something you haven't told me about?

Naomi : Publicly, the President has been very vocal in his opposition to eugenics experiments. We don't want the existance of the Genome Army to go public.

Snake : And that's the only reason?

Campbell : .......

Snake : Huh! The hell with you!

Campbell : I'm sorry.

Snake : The corpse of the DARPA Chief is lying right here next to me.

Naomi : Poor man.

Snake : But it's strange. He looks and smells like he's been dead for days. All his blood's been drained out too.

Campbell : Drained!?

Naomi : Maybe to slow down decomposition?

Snake : I have no idea.

Naomi : But the Chief only died a few hours ago, right?

Snake : Right. But he's already started to decompose.

Naomi : What could it all be about?

Snake : SOmething in his blood that they wanted?

Naomi : I doubt it. Just the nanomachines and the transmitter.

Campbell : Did the Chief tell them his detonation code?

Snake : I'm afraid so. It looks like they've got both codes and are nearly ready to launch.

Campbell : Damn. Is there any way to prevent it?

Snake : It seems there's some type of emergency override device that can cancel out the detonation code. It's a countermeasure that ArmsTech installed secretly. You have to unlock it with three special card keys.

Campbell : And where are those keys?

Snake : I've got one of them. I don't know where the other two are. Besides, I'm locked up here.

Campbell : We've got no choice. Forget about the keys. Your top priority now is to destroy Metal Gear itself. Sorry to lay it all in your lap, but you're all I've got. Bust out of there and get to the Communications Tower.

Naomi : .......

Snake : ....... Naomi, please talk to me. Say something to take my mind off the pain.

Naomi : What can I say?

Snake : Anything.

Naomi : I...I'm not a very good talker.

Snake : Please... tell me about yourself.

Naomi : Myself? That's a tough one...

Snake : Any family?

Naomi : That's not a very happy topic for me.

Snake : I don't have any family. No wait, there was a man who said he was my father...

Naomi : Where is he?

Snake : Dead. By my own hand.

Campbell : Big Boss.

Naomi : What!? Big Boss!? I had no idea.

Campbell : There was no way you could. It happened in Zanzibar 6 years ago. Only Snake and I know the real truth of what happened there.

Naomi : So, is it true? Was Big Boss really your father?

Snake : That's what he said. That's all I know.

Naomi : And you were able to kill him, knowing that?

Snake : Yup.

Naomi : How?

Snake : He wanted it. Besides, some people just need killing...

Naomi : That's patricide.

Snake : Yup. That's the trauma that Mantis was talking about. The one we share in common.

Naomi : Is that why you left FOX-HOUND?

Snake : Let's just say that I needed to be alone for a while and Alaska was the perfect place...

Naomi : ...Snake... I didn't have a real family either. Just a big brother who put me through school. We weren't even blood-related and he was much older than me.

Snake : Where is he?

Naomi : He's dead...

Snake : I'm sorry.

Naomi : ...Snake, is there a woman in your life?

Snake : After you've been through as many wars as me, it's hard to trust anyone.

Naomi : Friends?

Snake : Roy Campbell...

Campbell : Huh? You're still calling me friend?

Naomi : Is that it?

Snake : No, there was another... Frank Jaeger.

Naomi : What!?

Campbell : Big Boss's most trusted lietenant and the only member of FOX-HOUND to ever recieve the codename "Fox". Gray Fox.

Naomi : ........

Snake : I learned a lot from him.

Naomi : But... didn't you try to kill each other?

Snake : That's true. We did. In Zanzibar. But it was nothing personal. We were just proffesionals on opposite sides, that's all.

Naomi : And you still call yourselves friends?

Snake : Hard to believe? War is no reason to end a friendship.

Naomi : That's insane.

Snake : I first met him on the battlefield. He was being held a prisoner of Outer Heaven. But he didn't look like a prisoner to me. He was always so cool and precise. I was still green and he showed me the ropes.

Naomi : You knew him well?

Snake : No. We never talked about our personal lives. Sort of an unwritten rule. The nest time I saw him on the battlefield, we were enemies. We were fighting barehanded in a minefield. I know it sounds strange to most people. But we were just two soldiers doing our jobs. It's like a sport.

Naomi : Men and their games! You're like wild animals!

Snake : You're right. We are animals.

Naomi : So if you were friends, then how do you explain the Ninja's behavior?

Snake : I don't know.

Naomi : It's your genes... they make you predisposed towards violence!

Snake : You really like talking about genes, Naomi. Why did you get into genetic research anyway?

Naomi : I never knew who my parents were or even what they looked like. I guess I got into genetics because I wanted to figure out why I'm the way I am.

Snake : So you studied about DNA?

Naomi : Yeah. I thought if I studied my genetic structure, I'd find out who I really was. I thought that by analyzing a person's genetic information, I could retrieve the blank spots in that person's memory.

Snake : Memory is stored in DNA?

Naomi : We're not sure. But we know that a person's genetic fate is determined just by the sequence of the four bases in their DNA.

Snake : So what about my fate? You know my DNA sequence, don't you?

Naomi : Your fate? I...I'm sorry. I have no idea.

Snake : Of course not. You're a scientist, not a fortune-teller.

Naomi : .........

Snake : Otacon, are you still okay?

Otacon : Yeah. Thanks to the stealth camouflage, that is.

Snake : I have a favor to ask. I need your help.

Otacon : I was wondering when you'd ask. What should I do?

Snake : I've been captured. I'm locked up here in this cell.

Otacon : What cell?

Snake : There's a big torture machine nearby.

Otacon : Okay. I know it. It's close. I'll be there right away.

Snake : Thanks.

Guard : Aaachoo! That witch! She took my clothes! Oh... my stomach.

Otacon : Hey! I'm here!

Snake : Where?

Otacon : Here. It's me.

Snake : Otacon!

Otacon : Wow! They even captured you!

Snake : Hurry! Get me out of here!

Otacon : Let me go! That hurts!

Snake : Hurry up!

Otacon : Is that how you ask a guy a favor? Let me go. Jeez, it's like an animal's cage. ...What a smell!

Snake : Because of him.

Otacon : Eeyaaah! It's the DARPA Chief!!

Snake : If you don't hurry up and get me out of here, I'll be laying next to him.

Otacon: Those bastards! This lock won't open up with a security card. You need a key like the soldiers carry.

Snake: So what are you doing here then?

Otacon: I... I thought you might be hungry. If you need more food, I can bring some more later. Also, I got this level 6 card, it'll get you out of that torture room. Here... take this too.

Snake: What's that.

Otacon: It's a hankerchief. I got it from Sniper Wolf.

Snake: Why?

Otacon: I don't know why, but she's nice to me.

Snake: Sounds like Stockholm Syndrome to me.

Otacon: I was taking care of the dogs here. After the terrorists take over, they were planning to shoot all the dogs. But Sniper Wolf stopped them... she even let me feed them when I asked. She likes dogs. She must be a good person. Please don't hurt her.

Snake: Wake up you idiot! She's the one who shot Meryl!

Otacon: Well, that's all I can do...

Snake: They're planning to launch a nuke! I've got to stop them!

Otacon: Then you'll have to get past the Communications Tower.

Snake: First, you have to get me out of here!

Otacon: C'mon...I'm trying my best...

Snake: That guard's got the key. You'll have to take him out!

Otacon: Gimme a break! I'm no soldier! I can't take anybody out!

Snake: You have to!!

Otacon: I'll be killed! Oh jeez. He's coming back... see ya later...

Snake: Wait!

Guard: What the hell!


Painful Reflection

Meryl : Aaaaaaaaahhhh!!! Aaaaaaaghhhh!!! Snake.... leave me and run...

Snake : Meryl...

Meryl : I guess... I am a rookie after all...

Snake : Don't worry, Meryl. It's me they want.

Meryl : Even I know that, it's the oldest trick in the book. The sniper's using me for bait to lure you out.

Snake : Damn!!

Meryl : Shoot me, Snake!!

Snake : No!

Meryl : My gun... I can't reach it by myself.

Snake : Don't move!

Meryl : I promised... I wouldn't slow you down! I... I... I can still help... I want to help you!

Snake : Quiet down! Save your strength!

Meryl : I was a fool, I wanted to be a soldier. But war is ugly... There's nothing glamorous about it. Snake, please! Save yourself. Go on living and don't give up on people! Don't forget me...

Campbell : Snake, about Meryl...

Snake : Colonel, I'm sorry...

Campbell : Listen to me.

Snake : I wasn't able to protect her.

Campbell : Snake, it's okay. You did what you could, now let it rest.

Snake : Colonel...

Campbell : She joined up of her own free will. I'm sure she was prepared for this.

Snake : No. You're wrong.

Campbell : ...?

Snake : Meryl thought she had to become a soldier... thought it was the only way. She said she thought it woul;d bring her closer to her dead father.

Campbell : She said that!?

Snake : She wasn't ready for real combat. I shouldn't have pushed her so hard.... It's all my fault.

Master : That's not like you, Snake.

Campbell : Master. What is it?

Master : Sorry for eavesdropping, but I just couldn't listen anymore.

Snake : Master...

Master : Snake, you can have regrets if you want to... it's only natural. But you can't keep attacking yourself for things that happened in the past. That road leads to madness, believe me.

Mei Ling : He's right. Don't kick yourself. It doesn't suit a legend like you. And besides that, for all we know Meryl's okay, right?

Snake : Mei Ling...

Campbell : Snake, forget about Meryl. Stop Liquid. That's what Meryl would want, too.

Snake : You're right. Meryl would say the same thing.

Naomi : Snake.

Snake : What?

Naomi : Meryl...she's pretty special to you, huh?

Snake : Yes, she's special. There aren't many women like her around.

Naomi : That's not what I meant...

Snake : She's the Colonel's niece... and a combat buddy.

Naomi : Is that all? C'mon...

Snake : This is like a police interrogation.

Naomi : No, I just...

Campbell : I guess it's in the genes...

Snake : The genes? What are you talking about, Colonel?

Campbell : No, I just remembered about Naomi's grandfather. I think Naomi said he rose as high as assisstant secretary in the FBI during Edgar Hoover's time.

Snake : Is that right?

Naomi : Yes...yes, he was Japanese and he became a special undercover investigator to nab the mafia.

Master : When was that?

Naomi : Oh.. sometime in the 50's, I guess.

Master : Where?

Naomi : New York, I think...

Master : Naomi, I thought you didn't have any family...

Naomi : Well...I...I researched it after I became an adult. My grandfather was already dead by the time I learned about him. I never even had the chance to meet him.

Campbell : Oh...

Naomi : Snake, good luck.

Campbell : Watch your back, Snake.


Reaching the Top

Snake : Damn!

Liquid : Snaaaaake!! I'm afraid I can't let you get past here!

Snake : Liquid?

Liquid : You're not going any farther. Die!!!

Snake : It's a long way down. If only I had a rope. I should be able to use that rope I got...

Liquid : What are you going to do? Take on a Hind with your bare hands? Now you're mine!

Snake : If I stay here, I'm finished.

Otacon : Don't shoot!! It's me! Don't shoot! It's me, Snake!!

Snake : Otacon? How'd you get here?

Otacon : It wasn't as dramatic as your enterance, believe me. I'm afraid of heights.

Snake : You were watching?

Otacon : Yeah, I was watching. I was riding in the back of their truck... thanks to the stealth camouflage.

Snake : How did you get up here?

Otacon : The elevator, of course.

Snake : The 1st floor of the circular staircase was destroyed.

Otacon : That's why I took the elevator...

Snake : The elevator was working?

Otacon : Yeah, that's right. You're incredible... like a movie hero or something.

Snake :'re wrong. In the movies, the hero always saves the girl...

Otacon : ...You mean Meryl? ...Sorry... forget I said anything... Snake, there's something I've really got to ask you. It's why I followed you up this far... Have you ever ...loved someone?

Snake : That's what you came to ask?

Otacon : No I mean... I... I was wondering if even soldiers fall in love...

Snake : What are you trying to say?

Otacon : I wanna ask you... Do you think love can bloom even on a battlefield?

Snake : Yeah...I do. I think at any time, any place... people can fall in love with each other. But... if you love someone, you have to be able to protect them...

Otacon : I think so too.

Snake : I have a favor to ask.

Otacon : Uh oh.

Snake : Don't worry. It'll be easy.

Otacon : Umm...I told you before, I don't wanna hurt anyone.

Snake : I don't want you to either.

Otacon : Okay...

Snake : The elevator is stopped down there. I want you to get it to move. You see?

Otacon : That's weird.

Snake : It was working before, but now it isn't.

Otacon : ...Maybe the panel's broken?

Snake : Can you fix it?

Otacon : It was working before. If it's the mechanism, leave it to me.

Snake : I've got to go and swat a noisy fly.

Otacon : Okay. I'll stay here and hold the fort. Good luck.

Snake : You really look like hell. Are you okay?

Otacon : Don't worry. If I do this, it doesn't matter. I just pretend like I'm not here. Then I'm not scared.

Snake : Strange logic. I'm counting on you.


Snake Vs Hind-D

Liquid : So the Snake's finally come out of his hole? Are you ready now... my brother?

Snake : Why are you calling me brother? Who the hell are you!?

Liquid : I'm you. I'm your shadow.

Snake : What!?

Liquid : Ask the father that you killed! I'll send you to hell to meet him!! C'mon, fly! Damn!! Snaaake!!

Snake : See you in hell...Liquid. That takes care of the cremation.


The Elevator of Death

Otacon : Snake, the elevator's working.

Snake : You fixed it?

Otacon : No, that's the weird thing. It just moved by itself. It's headed your way now.

Snake : Is that so? Okay.

Otacon : That explosion before... what was it?

Snake : Oh, I had to take out that helicopter.

Otacon : Helicopter? That's incredible, Snake!

Snake : Listen. I just want to make sure again. This is the way to get to where Metal Gear is being stored?

Otacon : Yeah. The entrance to the underground maintenance base is towards the back of the snowfield ahead.

Snake : Okay. Find a safe place to hide out for a while. I'm going underground.

Otacon : I know, I know. You don't have to tell me.

Snake : And stay outta my way. Don't try to be a hero or anything.

Otacon : Okay, call me if you need to.

Otacon : Snake, there's something I forgot to tell you before.

Snake : What?

Otacon : There were five stealth camouflage prototypes in my lab.

Snake : Yeah, so?

Otacon : If you take out the one I'm wearing, that leaves four.

Snake : Hey. This isn't first grade math class.

Otacon : I thought I'd get one for you, so I went back to the lab and...

Snake : Yeah?

Otacon : The four suits were missing.

Snake : .........?

Otacon : Also...about the elevator that I checked out... It's really strange. It was like someone was intentionally holding it.

Snake : When you were riding on it, did the weight limit warning go off?

Otacon : That's another thing that bothered me about it... The warning went off and I know I couldn't be over the limit.

Snake : How much do you weigh?

Otacon : About 135. But that elevator had a weight limit of 650 pounds.

Snake : It would take at least five people to go over that limit...

Otacon : L...Look out, Snake! The guys who stole my stealth prototypes are in there with you!!!

Guard : Too late, Snake! Now die!


Snake VS Wolf Pt2

Otacon : Snake!! Are you okay!?

Snake : Otacon! Were there any other stealth prototypes?

Otacon : No. There were only five.

Snake : So...this isn't stealth camouflage then...

Otacon : What are you talking about?

Snake : Someone's aiming at me... in the middle of this blizzard...

Otacon : ...It's her!!

Snake : Wolf? ...Sniper Wolf?

Otacon : Yes it's her! ...It's definitely her!

Snake : Otacon... You sound like you're happy.

Otacon : No I'm not.

Snake : So then what is it?

Otacon : Snake... please don't kill her!

Snake : Are you insane!?

Otacon : Please. She's a good person! You'd know that if you talked to her...

Snake : Listen to me, kid. She's a merciless killer.

Wolf : I can see you perfectly from here. I told you... I'd never quit the hunt. Now you're mine.

Otacon : Wolf! No, you can't!

Wolf : Don't get between a wolf and its prey!

Snake : You're pretty good if you can hit me in this storm.

Wolf : You see? Women naturally make better soldiers.

Otacon : Wolf! Don't do this!!

Wolf : Snake, I'm near. Can't you sense me near you?

Snake : It's a mistake for a sniper to reveal her location.

Wolf : Is that right? Well I'm going to send you a love letter, my dear. Do you know what that is? It's a bullet straight from my gun to your heart.

Otacon : Please!! Wolf!...Snake!...No!

Wolf : Quiet! Don't get in our way!

Snake : Now I'm gonna pay you back for Meryl...

Wolf : You men are so weak. You can never finish what you start...


Snake Defeats Wolf

Wolf : I... I've... ...waited for this moment... I am a sniper. Waiting is my job... Never moving a muscle... concentrating... I am lung-shot. cannot save me. Please... Just finish me quick. I am a Kurd. I have always dreamed of a peaceful place like this...

Snake : A Kurd? So that's why you're called Wolf...

Wolf : I was born on a battlefield. Raised on a battlefield. Gunfire, sirens and screams... they were my lullabies... Hunted like dogs day after day... driven from our ragged shelters... That... was my life. Each morning, I'd wake up... and find a few more of my family or friends dead beside me. I'd stare at the morning sun... and pray to make it through the day. The governments of the world turned a blind eye to our misery. But then... he appeared. My hero... Saladin... he took me away from all that...

Snake : Saladin? ...You mean Big Boss?

Wolf : I became a sniper... hidden, watching everything through a rifle's scope. Now I could see war, not from the inside, but from the outside, an observer... I watched the brutality... the stupidity of mankind through the scope of my rifle. I joined this group of revolutionaries... to take my revenge on the world. But... I have shamed myself and my people. I am no longer the wolf I was born to be... In the name of vengeance, I sold my body and my soul. Now...I am nothing more than a dog.

Snake : Wolves are noble animals. They're not like dogs. In Yupik, the word for wolf is "Kegluneq", and the Aleuts revere them as honorable cousins. They call mercenaries like us "Dogs of War". It's true, we're all for sale at some price or another. But you're different. ...untamed... solitary. You're no dog... You're a wolf.

Wolf : Who are you? ...Are you Saladin?

Snake : Wolf... you spared Meryl's life.

Wolf : She... she was never my real target... I don't kill for sport.

Snake : Rest easy. You'll die as the proud wolf you are.

Wolf : I finally understand. I wasn't waiting to kill people... I was waiting for someone to kill me. A man like you... You're a hero. Please... set me free.

Otacon : Why...!? I loved you...

Snake : What is it?

Wolf : My gun... give it to me... She's part of me. Everyone's here now. Okay, hero, set me free.

Otacon : Goodbye... Snake, you said that love could bloom on a battlefield... But I couldn't save her. What are you doing?

Snake : Returning it to it's owner. I don't need a hankercheif.

Otacon : Why?

Snake : I don't have any more tears to shed. I'm going to the underground base. We're out of time.

Otacon : I know.

Snake : You'll have to protect yourself now. Don't trust anyone.

Otacon : Yeah...

Snake : If I can't stop Metal Gear, this whoe place will probably be bombed to hell.

Otacon : ...Yeah...

Snake : We might not meet again.

Otacon : I'll hang onto my Codec. I wanna keep helping.

Snake : You can leave any time. Get a headstart... a headstart on your new life.

Otacon : Snake!! What was she fighting for? What am I fighting for!? What are you fighting for!?

Snake : If we make it through this, I'll tell you.

Otacon : Okay. I'll be searching too.


Snake Reaches the Underground (Disk 2)

Master : Snake, there's something I've got to tell you about Naomi Hunter?

Snake : What about her?

Master : Is this conversation secure?

Snake : Don't worry. The monitor's off.

Master : Okay.

Snake : What's up?

Master : I was in the FBI too, y'know.

Snake : I didn't know that. What's your point?

Master : Dr. Hunter's story about her background... about her grandfather being an assistant secretary to Hoover in the FBI...

Snake : Yeah?

Master : And then going undercover to investigate the mafia in New York...

Snake : Yeah, what about it?

Master : It was all a big lie.

Snake : What did you say?

Master : It was really bothering me. Why would she lie about it?

Snake : She lied?

Master : She might be a spy!

Snake : Rediculous!

Master : C'mon. Even a high school student could see past it. The head of the FBI at that time, Edgar Hoover... he was a well known racist. Didn't Naomi say that her father was Japanese?

Snake : Yeah...

Master : Well back then there wasn't a single Asian investigator. Also, in the 1950's the undercover mafia sting operations hadn't even started yet. They first started in 1960... in Chicago, not New York.

Snake : But...

Master : You better check it out. The chief and the president dying, that ninja... too many strange things are happening.

Snake : Are you saying that Naomi might be behind it?

Master : I don't know. Either that or she's working with the terrorists.

Snake : Could it be...?

Master : If I find out anything, I'll call. In the meantime, be careful!


Snake Vs Raven

Raven : Welcome, kasack!! This is the end of the road for you! Right my friends? Listen. They agree. Ravens aren't scavengers like most people think... They are simply returning to the natural world that which is no longer needed. Sometimes they even attack wounded foxes.

Snake : You were the one in the M1 tank? Must have been a tight fit for a big boy like you.

Raven : Ha ha ha ha ha... But that was no true battle. The ravens and I were testing to see what kind of man you were. The judgement is decided. The ravens say you are a true warrior.

Snake : Am I hallucinating? I... I can't move...

Raven : The Raven has put the mark of death upon you. Blood from the east flows within your veins. Ah... your ancestors too were raised on the barren plains of Mongolia. Inuit and Japanese are cousins to each other... We share many ancestors, you and I...

Snake : I don't have any crows in my family tree.

Raven : You jest but indeed ravens and snakes are not the best of friends. Nevertheless you will make a worthy adversary. You live in Alaska too. You know of the World Eskimo-Indian Olympics?

Snake : Yeah, I know it. You must be a real threat in the "Muk-Tuk" eating contest.

Raven : Yes, you are right. But there is another event that I excel at. It is called the "Ear Pull". It is an event where two opponents pull each other's ear while enduring the harsh cold. It tests spiritual as well as physical strength.

Snake : You want to pull each other's ears?

Raven : The form is different, but the spirit is the same. Rejoice, Snake! Ours will be a glorious battle.

Snake : This isn't glorious. It's just plain killing. Violence isn't a sport!

Raven : Well, we will see if there is iron in your words!!


Snake Defeats Raven

Raven : Just as the Boss said... it is my existance wihich is no longer needed in this world. But my body will not remain in this place. My spirit and my flesh will become one with the ravens. In that way I will return to Mother Earth who bore me. Snake! My spirit will be watching you... understand? Snake, take this security card. It wil open that door.

Snake : Why?

Raven : You are a snake which was not created by Nature. You and the Boss... you are from another world... a world that I